Anonymous ID: 5ea8a4 March 16, 2020, 5:33 a.m. No.8435953   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ok, Elite FEEDING off of the global consciousness?


They are PSYCHIC VAMPIRES in addition to sick satanist.

using the MSM to keep us pumping out this fear that they FEED off of in addition to the adrenochrome. I know, it sounds crazy, but, I have noticed that the past couple of weeks.. when I go outside or am around town, that something feels OFF. also, look at the global consciousness dot and the way it is being manipulated.

POTUS wanted us to pray is THE ANSWER. NO FEAR look at how yesterday's energy was mainly positive and smooth. They are REALLY preying on the FEAR!

It is like the earth is tilted up (like Hanx' water glass) and our Spiritual devotion vs their SICKNESS is like playing tug -o-war.

with how smoothly this storm passes or not.

.tell me if you can FEEL it in the air.

ok, back out again.