Anonymous ID: be54b6 March 16, 2020, 5:38 a.m. No.8435988   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6056

Re: Democrat Debate - a comment found under HA Goodman's UTube video about the debate


"Joe Baidan: "Come on man, you're a socialist 'bomb-thrower' who can't explain how you'll fund $1.00 of of the Trillions of $$$ needed for your pie-in-the-sky proposals to reform the system."


Bernie "The Greatest Political Judas Goat in U.S. History" Sanders: "That's not quite true, Joe."


Game. Set. Match. Groping Joe Baidan.


Any Bernie supporters (those naive "Progressives" who haven't yet woken up to the fact that it is Trump who has been fighting the Power Elite for the last FOUR YEARS) who still don't believe that Bernie has been bought and paid for long ago in 2016, should drop all pretenses of being "Progressive". Instead, join the ranks of Bill Kristol and Max Boot and embrace corrupt, neocon Killary's Realpolitik globalist vision for Amerika.


The truth is that the real Progressive Movement doesn't want or need your type of non-critical thinking, moral compass-lacking support in our fight to restore the American Dream. So, keep following Pied Piper Bernie as he continues to play his role in trying to herd you all safely back to the Democrat Plantation."


Anons, looks like we now have a final opportunity to red-pill any remaining true progressives who were sickened and left fully jaded by Bernie's halfhearted and scripted attempt at debating that doddering old pervert last night.


Bernie could have thrown any number of knock-out punches last night. Instead, the dutiful Hillary lickspittle followed his lame script and took a dive in the opening round. Cocky Biden seemed to know that this would happen. Perhaps Donna Brazile slipped him the debate questions with Bernie's scripted answers. Regardless, the debate was rigged to assure that Bernie would be unable to land any effective punch thereby guaranteeing that Biden would emerge as the clear front-runner, go on to win enough of the remaining primaries, win the Nomination in the first round prior to picking Hillary as his VP. No way in hell would Hillary ever again allow Bernie to hurt her shot at the WH. At least her next step, that is.


So start red-pilling any Bernie supporters you may know while the window remains open. Just be kind and give them the morning, or so, to get rid of that awful taste of bile before you do.