Anonymous ID: 50a783 March 16, 2020, 7:16 a.m. No.8436737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6822 >>6892 >>6954

>>8436006 (pb)

In times of true crisis in our Nation's history, the Press has always, to a large degree, supported past Administrations' attempts to rally the Country through troubled waters. Not so with the MSM and the coronavirus. In fact, the MSM is doing everything in its power to thwart and undermine the Trump Administration's attempt to safeguard the Nation and its citizens. Not only is the MSM attempting to hinder @POTUS' efforts to safeguard the health and safety of U.S. citizens, it is openly pushing Dem propaganda that @POTUS' has been ineffective in his attempts to stop the spread of the virus.


In effect, the MSM is assisting the Dems in yet another attempt to remove @POTUS from office by smearing him in the eyes of the American electorate. A clear example is the recent suspending of Fox Business News' Trish Raegan because she had the temerity to report the truth about the Dems' treasonous actions to both undermine @POTUS' response to the coronavirus AND lie to the American People in an attempt to hurt his chances for re-election. She rightfully calls the Dem's actions "another impeachment attempt. (Trish Raegan's video embedded).


The MSM has clearly gone too far. While the MSM's past efforts to carry the Dems' water were arguably "political" in nature (despite a strong argument that the MSM has acted as co-conspirator to Treason and Sedition over the last three years), its current attempt to hinder and thwart the fight to safeguard the health and welfare of U.S. citizens, as well as assist in the clear attempt to tank the economy, is the most overwhelming evidence to date that the MSM represents a clear and present danger to the Constitution, the Nation and all of its citizens.


For the above reasons, the President should use ALL THE POWER at his disposal to prevent the MSM from causing further harm.


The Freedom of Speech guarantee of the First Amendment does not allow one to "shout fire in a crowded theater" (Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. opinion in the United States Supreme Court case Schenck v. United States in 1919). Yet the MSM, along with the treasonous and seditious Democrats, are doing exactly that but on the largest scale imaginable. They are attempting non-stop to fan the flames of panic across the Nation. We are seeing the affects of their unconscionable actions daily in the supermarkets and groceries in our communities. Public and private institutions and businesses are being shuttered almost exponentially across the Nation. The time to act has come. Yes, [they] are destroying themselves but [they] are attempting to take the rest of America with them.


Please do it, @POTUS.


Please do it, Q+.

Anonymous ID: 50a783 March 16, 2020, 7:50 a.m. No.8437023   🗄️.is 🔗kun


First, I've heard of this piece of history. Thank you anon.


Perhaps what galls me the most about the present crisis which is equally applicable to @POTUS' entire term, is the fact that he would win the clear support of the Nation but for the the propaganda arm of the Deep State, the Mockingbird MSM. These Big Six megacorporations are directly responsible for the the division into two separate blocks, a division so wide that that it rivals, and certainly exceeds in sheer numbers, the division of the Civil War era. Never in my 6 decades have I even seen such a sad division of family against family, friend against friend, neighbor against neighbor and co-worker against co-worker. A very sad state of affairs.


We must not forget that George Soros and the Qatari Government have also acted non-stop to thwart @POTUS' agenda and to bring our Republic to its knees.