Anonymous ID: e71c0e March 16, 2020, 7:36 a.m. No.8436904   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6934 >>6971 >>6989 >>6992 >>7014 >>7020 >>7051

New law for Vatican City responds to current needs


Pope Francis establishes a new law for Vatican City State providing greater independence for the judiciary and simplifying judicial procedures.


Pope Francis on Monday, 16 March 2020, promulgated a new law regulating the judicial system of Vatican City State. The new norms replace the previous law, which was originally issued by Pope St John Paul II in 1987 and amended by Benedict XVI in 2008.


According to a statement from the Holy See Press Office, the new law is intended to meet the requirements for greater efficiency required by the “current historical and institutional context”.

In particular, the new law provides for greater independence of judicial bodies and magistrates dependent on the Pope. It specifies the requirements for the appointment of judges and it simplifies the judicial system while increasing the staff of the court. Furthermore, it provides a head for the Office of the Promoter of Justice (prosecutor’s office), and sets out a standardized procedure for possible disciplinary action against certified advocates.

The Press Office statement explains that the new law comes in the wake of regulatory reforms at the Vatican with regard to economic/financial issues and criminal law. It is also a response to the Vatican City State’s accession to various international conventions. At the same time, the new laws preserve the unique nature of Vatican law, which recognizes the canonical system as the primary normative source of legislation, and the primary criterion for its interpretation.

Anonymous ID: e71c0e March 16, 2020, 7:45 a.m. No.8436982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6992 >>7051

French bishop tests positive for coronavirus after Vatican visit


Vatican City, Mar 16, 2020 / 08:05 am (CNA).- A French bishop who visited the Vatican last week has tested positive for coronavirus, his diocese announced Monday.


Bishop Emmanuel Delmas of Angers tested positive for COVID-19 on the evening of March 15. The Diocese of Angers said in a statement March 16 that the bishop first experienced symptoms during his time in Rome.


Delmas was part of a delegation of 31 French bishops who met with Pope Francis during their ad limina visit on March 9. Vatican media shared photos of the bishops sitting one meter apart with a significant distance from the pope.


The pope’s audience with the French bishops lasted two and a half hours, according to a statement by the French bishops’ conference.


The Holy See Press Office has not responded to an inquiry from CNA asking if the French bishops greeted Pope Francis with a handshake after the meeting, as is customary during ad limina visits. The audience came one day after the Vatican confirmed it had implemented precautionary measures in coordination with Italian authorities, and the Diocese of Rome announced the suspension of all public Masses for three weeks.


Bishop Delmas’ coronavirus symptoms are said to be mild, and “his condition is currently not of concern,” the Angers diocese stated.


After learning of his diagnosis, Delmas, 65, asked for “all of the faithful to persevere in prayer.”

Anonymous ID: e71c0e March 16, 2020, 7:49 a.m. No.8437020   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7046






>Pope Francis establishes a new law for Vatican City State providing greater independence for the judiciary and simplifying judicial procedures.


Holy See Press Office Communiqué: Law No. CCCLI on the Vatican City State Judicial System, 16.03.2020


Today, 16 March 2020, the Holy Father promulgated Law No. CCCLI on the judicial system of Vatican City State, updating Law No. CXIX of 21 November 1987 and subsequent amendment by Law No. LXVII of 24 June 2008.


In particular, adapting to the current historical and institutional context that requires ever greater efficiency, the new law:


  1. provides for a better guarantee of the independence of judicial bodies and magistrates who depend only on the Supreme Pontiff who appoints them and are subject to the law, exercising their functions with impartiality and with direct recourse to the judicial police;


  1. requires specific requirements for the appointment of magistrates who are chosen among university professors and in any case among jurists of evident reputation, with proven experience, judicial or forensic, in civil, criminal or administrative matters;


  1. provides for a simplification of the judicial system and, at the same time, a reinforcement of the staff of the Tribunal, which is increased by one unit, also providing for a full-time and exclusive regime for at least one of the judges;


  1. presents an autonomous head for the Office of the Promoter of Justice, distinct from that of the Tribunal;


  1. provides for a typification, hitherto lacking, of possible disciplinary measures regarding registered lawyers.


The law in question comes in the wake of the regulatory reforms in economic-financial and criminal matters, also due to the accession to important international conventions, and, at the same time, preserves and ensures the specificity of Vatican law, which recognises in the canonical system the first source of legislation and the first criterion of interpretation.

Anonymous ID: e71c0e March 16, 2020, 7:53 a.m. No.8437052   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Why isn't Vatican City a member of EU?


Because it's considered an independent city-state, closely affiliated with Italy. (Italy is essentially a federation of the old city-states.)