Anonymous ID: 28ff35 March 16, 2020, 1:56 p.m. No.8441033   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Coronavirus Fatality Rate Reported by the Media Is COMPLETELY INACCURATE. The Actual Rate Is LESS THAN THE FLU – MEDIA LYING AGAIN!


The current estimate for the fatality rates on the coronavirus just don’t add up. The estimates based on current data are completely inaccurate. Current data shows that this virus is much less deadly that even the common flu from the 2019-2020 season.


Summary of points below:


Estimates have been made about the fatality rate of the coronavirus

Sometimes estimates are reasonable and sometimes they are off, way off

The current global coronavirus fatality rate is estimated at 3.4%

The same rate for the flu is 10% (but the media tells you it’s .1%)

Actual results for the coronavirus are lower than the flu

Current estimates between the flu and the coronavirus are not comparing ‘apples to apples’

Those most at risk from the coronavirus are the elderly (average age of death in 80) and the sick


  1. Estimates have been made about the fatality rate of the coronavirus.


Often times estimates have to be made because data is just not yet available. These estimates usually involve obtaining information that is available and making estimates on what is not. We cannot tell the future but we can make educated guesses based on information available. This is what has been done with the coronavirus because this type of virus has apparently never been seen before.

  1. Sometimes estimates are reasonable and sometimes they are wrong, way off.


I personally know of estimates made by actuaries (i.e. statisticians) who projected profits in a country that were way wrong. In this case the government changed the regulations related to the business in the country which resulted in tens of millions in losses in USD. I know of another case where actuaries predicted a deal to be profitable that eventually led to over $100 million in losses.


The point is that whenever estimates are made they are always wrong because no one can tell the future. Sometimes estimates end up close and sometimes they are not and sometimes they are way off.


  1. The current estimate for the coronavirus fatality rate is about 3.4%.


The estimates for the fatality rate for the coronavirus are shocking. The CDC released one report in February stating the rate varies between 12% and 1%:


Our estimates of the risk for death in Wuhan reached values as high as 12% in the epicenter of the epidemic and ≈1% in other, more mildly affected areas.


A report by the World Health Organization (WHO) and China estimates the mortality rate to be around 3.8% based on actual results:


As of 20 February, 2114 of the 55,924 laboratory confirmed cases have died (crude fatality ratio [CFR2] 3.8%) (note: at least some of whom were identified using a case definition that included pulmonary disease). The overall CFR varies by location and intensity of transmission (i.e. 5.8% in Wuhan vs. 0.7% in other areas in China).


Other reports are that the WHO estimates the mortality rate to be around 3.4%:


In summary, the coronavirus is not as deadly as is being portrayed in the lying liberal media. In fact it is not as deadly as the flu. The elderly and the sick should be protected. Everyone else has very little to worry about. Again, don’t believe what the media is telling you. They are lying again.

Anonymous ID: 28ff35 March 16, 2020, 2:01 p.m. No.8441103   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Twitter Bends The Knee To Chinese Disinformation Campaigns To Smear The US And Trump

Anonymous ID: 28ff35 March 16, 2020, 2:03 p.m. No.8441132   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1176 >>1235 >>1266 >>1281

Censors Aren't Fast Enough When Geraldo Fight with Dan Bongino Gets Out of Control on Air


on Air

Women System March 16, 2020 0 Comments 0 comment

There are a few censors at Fox News who are going to get very bad performance reviews this year.

They’re the ones who were working Sean Hannity’s show on Thursday. It was one of those split-screen showdowns we’re all very used to, this time over Trump’s coronavirus travel ban.

Geraldo Rivera, now in his 76th year, has regained a bit of the credibility he left in Al Capone’s vault back in the 1980s. His position as a sort of liberal-ish elder statesman on Fox News certainly beats his previous life of getting hit in the face with chairs by neo-Nazis whilst hosting his trash TV show. However, you can take a guy out of trash TV but you can’t really take the trash TV out of a guy.

Dan Bongino, meanwhile, has become a Fox commentator after a time in the Secret Service. He’s also an intense fellow, ardent conservative and the kind of man who has frequent flyer miles at his local coffee shop.

In short, these are two fellows who are primed for a fight:

It began with an argument over controversial Trump adviser Stephen Miller — and got heated fast.

The problems started when Rivera brought up the fact that Trump’s Wednesday Oval Office speech was co-written by Miller, an immigration hawk whose associations and positions on contentious issues have made him a consistent target for criticism from leading liberals like Hillary Clinton.

Rivera noted that Miller was also the author of the “Muslim ban,” the term frequently used by the left to describe the Trump administration’s ban on entry for individuals from several Muslim-majority nations due to terrorist concerns.

“Dan, bail me out,” Hannity said, turning the conversation to Bongino.

“Geraldo, you realize you’re repeating Chinese propaganda here?” Bongino said. “I hope you understand that.”

Things got pretty screamy after that.


“Oh, don’t give me that crap,” an animated Rivera said. “You’re a cheap shot artist!”

That, of course, came from a man who just used the “Muslim ban” appellation. Nevertheless, he persisted: “Chinese propaganda? You’re a cheap shot artist! You’re a cheap shot artist,” he repeated. “Talk to the facts. Talk to the facts.”

And that’s where the censors missed things: “You know what? You’re a bulls— artist, OK?” Bongino said.

“Chinese propaganda, you know what? You’re lucky you’re not in front of me, big guy,” Rivera, a man once knocked out on the set of his own TV show, told the former Secret Service agent.

“What you just said is Chinese propaganda — really? I strongly suggest you rethink that approach,” Bongino responded.

“You are repeating Chinese propaganda on this channel, and you know it. That Stephen Miller cheap shot is outrageous.”

Anonymous ID: 28ff35 March 16, 2020, 2:36 p.m. No.8441564   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Coronavirus Defeats NATO! Germany withdraws from Defender Europe 20 War Games


On March 13, 2020, the German Bundeswehr command announced a decision to withdraw from the NATO anti-Russian exercises Defender Europe 20 . Due to the spread of coronavirus, German troops will not be involved in maneuvers.


The exercises of Defender Europe 20 began in February and were to continue until June. They are the largest training in the transfer of US troops from the United States to Europe in the past 25 years.


The main training venue is training grounds in Poland and Germany. The equipment for the American armored brigades participating in the exercises is unloaded at the ports of Belgium, Holland and Germany or canned from warehouses in Belgium and Germany. Further, this equipment and weapons are transported across Germany by convoys to the training sites at training grounds in Germany and Poland. The logistics of these shipments was provided by 1,500 German troops. It was planned up to 100 rail transportation by trains to the training site and up to 50 days of convoy transportation on roads. This task has only partially been completed to date.

Anonymous ID: 28ff35 March 16, 2020, 2:36 p.m. No.8441571   🗄️.is 🔗kun



What we think we get WE GET!


But if they (Cabal) can keep you distracted and thinking of other things they can shape

everyone's reality away from what really matters.


The Cabal has used hidden knowledge to shape their EVIL plans.

Using their MSM to project their desired reality into the minds of the public

They have been able to use our collective power to create their world, this is why they use

think tanks and secret societies to shape reality for the masses. Wars, famine and disaster

to keep you in fear, one crisis after another.


Corona Virus is the next installment to drive panic, anxiety and primal fear, once

triggered these emotions over power rational thought in the sedated mind. You

become vulnerable and open to suggestion and herd mentality when in this state.

Eager to hand over your rights to the very people creating the crisis in the hope they

will somehow make you safe. RATIONAL THOUGHT IS LOST.


The issues they create exist in your mind planted there over the airways, whether it be

social media TV radio what ever flavor. We ignore the reality we see in real life choosing

to believe the information fed to us.


It is time to wake up and start using your own discernment.


We are the faithful servants of the most high here to guide humanity through their ascension from

a world ruled by darkness, greed, centralized control and PURE EVIL into the world of love, light

and righteousness.


It is time for each individual to make a personal connection with the most high, do it privately

ask for forgiveness first and then seek good things for those you care about. Pray for each

other. Doing so you join the body of Christ and together we will all be successful. This is the way the

life and the truth.


Jesus Loves (You)