Anonymous ID: 62084f March 16, 2020, 1:58 p.m. No.8441061   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8440352 (lb)


You're right up to here. but remember, WE are getting 40/60, regular people are not.:

>Positive cases and panic will increase.


>Yet this virus is of no serious health risk to the average person.


>We will be told a “vaccine” is being prepared in real time and to hang tight.


>Cities will go into lockdown around the world.


>All travel shutdown.


>Everyone at home/off the streets “for 2 weeks”.


>Governments pay out assistance payments to households. Business will be assisted.


>More celebrities will “test positive”.


>Panic will build, but we are too scared to go outside (airborne contagion risk).


>Tweet from Trump “the storm is upon us”


>Internet and tv/radio will be shutdown globally. Anyone aware of Q will understand.


>Direct contact begins from Trump via emergency systems to everyone’s phones/ devices.


I'll finish for you:

Trump's message will announce big names dying of virus. Lady Gaga, QE, Tom Hanks but not to worry, virus testing and vaccines are available. (they will be told the bad actors died from illness, not that they were tried and excuted.)

Hang tight, get your vaccine. (the vaccine will fix much of the bad stuff put in us from other vaccines. Again, not going to panic the people with knowledge of what's been done to us)

Trump will announce financial safety net measures, returning money back to the people who suffered financial hardship during virus. (but not where $ came from, taken back from the bad guys)

Trump will announce coronavirus over. See, it wasn't so bad, you're good.


And things will go back to normal but…much much better. Fed will be ended, interest rates so low, we will never hear about 5G again, health care suddenly affordable. these will happen by October. November everyone is going to be doing so well, they will flood to the ballot box for Trump.

Yes, WE will know. But general public will NOT be told about satanic blood drinker cabal unless they choose to know and come looking to us for what actually went down. We'll appear in history books 10 years down the road to explain the new paradigms, but they wont be told.

2021 will go back to tying FISA to Obama. This will be out in the open.

Hillary's corruption and prosecution MAY be out in the open.