Get the "S" Out
Early afternoon, 3-16-20, POTUS gave us an extra 'S', T-14030, 1:40:59 PM
corrected in T-14031, 2:32:44 PM, delta is 51:45
delta in seconds is 45 as in POTUS45
Tracking that POTUS 'S' through Q Control [s] yields the following 11 uses, 2 of them. same drop, repeated twice more each.
Q 129: Operations → [N]o [S]uch [A]gency
Q 144: Who control[s] the MSM?
Q 1438: Attack[s] anticipated.
Q 1815: We have the server[S].
Q 3613, Q 3721, Q 3858: Why were these orgs tasked w/ immediate intimidation/shut down of any pro-POTUS rally[s] and/or events?
Q 3613, Q 3721, Q 3858:Why were marches immediately organized to counter and silence pro-POTUS rally[s] and/or events?
Q 3701: Sleeper[s] everywhere.
To weave in what initially seems like a another topic, I have noticed what I regard as qmap base number to be growing handsomely. I get the rage, both the excitement and anger over Q and thus the rushing to chan/kun/qanon or whatever. I have been sad to see patronage to qmap fluctuate widely. It always jumps, doubling even tripling from recent lows when Q drops. It is always sad to see disinterest in qmap build back again as Q continues 'silent war.' POTUS is Q+, and Q declares 'we serve at the pleasure of the President.' No one can pay attention to Q without carefully bird-dogging Q+ too. No place on the web, other than qmap can we follow POTUS better including deleted tweets, which serve us with Q code to consider. No place can be trusted with delta to the seconds other than qmap. No one can intelligently follow Q without staying on top of qmap. Above is ideal example, POTUS sent us code, an extra 's', the chase is shown above. I am glad to see qmap numbers rise and stay higher but I think the number remains low, compared to potential. I refresh mine many times a day.
Isolating Q lines with control 's' as shown above in ascending order, oldest to newest, presents a nice added slice of message to these critical days. On the 14th here on kun, 02:55:26, I posted a few lines under 'To Name a Virus.' CabalVirus was my conclusion. Clearly, the visible elements of Cabal, MSM/DEM/DS all sync strapping on Virus as weapon against Trump, against us, against freedom and this Republic. Those same elements team with loud voices out of China to shift Virus blame to America. They still believe if they shout a HOAX often enough the whole world will lockstep behind them: RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, UKRAINE. How did those work for them. Now it is Virus, Virus, Virus. They are a 1 trick phony pony. More and more wake up to that fact.
This is not to say the Virus is a HOAX, but to say Cabal, at least after the fact, cabals (verb application) to weaponize Virus as a political club to beat down Trump and us too. Their efforts, false accusation, fear mongering, that is the HOAX. It is more evil show, sham, fake. This is blatantly obvious and if one is diligent to follow the Q links above one realizes POTUS points to Great Awakening in these troubled days. Once again they try to villainize POTUS and make America hated world round. WILL THEY WIN THIS ROUND? Will we bite fingernails or fight back?
How deep is the hoax, the planing, the conniving? Did it start before the Virus surfaced? Few on this platform have qualms pointing to before outbreak. But, timing is beyond coincidental. Let the whole world know: the PELOSI stall gave time for VIRUS spread… her 'do-nothing' was not all that 'nothing.' At the point when IMPEACH45 looked very dead in US Senate, She stalls Impeach45, Virus spreads unchecked SIMULTANEOUSLY. How very coincidentally convenient. When Impeach45 failed CabalVirus exploded with Cabal elements world round feeding and fanning the fire of fear, their 'do-nothing' expands into 'talk-nothing', at least talk-nothing-good.
By the day, Cabal connections to this Virus grow, They cannot and will not keep their hands and mouths off. They are exceedingly dirty rotten mongering thugs cheering for VIRUS spread, America fall. POTUS has just signaled Cuomo takes the lead as top DEM. Pelosi, Schumer, Clintons, Biden, Bernie, Barry himself are all side lined, marginalized as party lead. Cuomo has picked up the slack, their lack, seeking to lead. He too will go down. The silent war has new focus and continues.