What the public doesn’t know is that Government surveillance on its people had already existed long before 9.11.
A mass (illegal) operation for world control involving government leaders, corporate leaders, bank owners, and world leaders began to leak out due to key whistleblowers. (Enron, Government, Dyncorp, Solomon brothers, LTCM, etc.)
It was during this time that public attention began to expose some of these illegal operations, but as well as the immoralities of those at the top.
Those at the top in government became concern that everything would get out to the public.
The elite began to establish a new model that would hide the truth, quash public doubt, and yet still bring about their grand plans for systematic control WW.
The major events that followed were formed to push new bills, pass legislation, elevate private interest groups and individuals to power, which would all bring about deregulation in numerous areas needed to advance.
What was to follow was the even that would bring about the commencement of their grand plan.
What the public doesn’t realize is that 9.11 was really orchestrated not only to try and hide these truths from getting out, but also to usher in all the current events that you see happing now and make them look as though it is all for the “greater good of the people.”
Everything to this point has been planned to make you believe that the “deep state” is being overthrown, but in fact it’s just to hide their true intentions, but now to hide it in plain sight.
On 9.11, in 1 WTC, a meeting with individuals from various government agencies, various corporate heads (most whistleblowers, most guilty parties there to make deals) was just taking place.
They were to expose corruption in government, large insider trading operations and market manipulation, and a massive human trafficking operation involving children to the very elite. Within the document that were to be handed over was proof that even unveiled plans to implement a world market event which would take place in order to bring about a one world government system. This system had already progressed far along, and it all involved the focus of advancing AI, 5G, Crypto, Big Data, blockchain, Quantum Computing, GMO, Chem trails and more.
The meeting took place at 1 WTC, and a majority of the documents proving all this, along with those individuals were all lost in that event.
Only of hand full of documents remained, but it was enough to validate the things that have been taking place now. Those that know the existence of these documents and who have seen them are fearful to speak up because of threat to their loved ones and themselves.
You have to understand that everything you believe that has been done for good, up until now, is a lie.
Now do you now understand what is taking place and what their true intensions are?
Brace yourselves for things to come. We’ve tried to warn you as best we could! We have taken chances and have stepped outside of the chain of command just inform you!
Trust none of the world, government, state, and city leaders.
Why do you think the media has tried so hard to hide the WW protests?
Why do you think they decided to act now?
Why do you they want us locked down in our homes?
Their full implementation began last year (2019)
We now facing the dangers of total control.
They are closer than ever to achieving everything they set out to do!