I don't believe GOOG search has been liberated just yet.
Search for "white couple" still yields a whole lot of brown.
I don't believe GOOG search has been liberated just yet.
Search for "white couple" still yields a whole lot of brown.
>Hol up
Yep, it's been like this forever.
Other search engines are almost as bad, some are worse.
Social engineering.
You don't get what you searched for, you get what they want you to think.
Like I said, still a whole lot of fuckery going on with GOOG.
IMHO, there's no way white hats took control.
>Anon that picture would have been all black last week. It's begun, and it won't stop
I beg to differ, anon.
I have done this search many times recently, while trying to redpill friends and family, and it's always about the same - some white but a lot of 'groid.
It was never all black.