It is breaking my heart, too. Poor dear.
He’s either going to be a strict vegan soy boy trying to ride off his short term fame the rest of his life, or a diseased, chain smoking, drug using street hooker inside of ten years. Kid is a hot mess. Wondering if his parents have ANY influence over him or if he is one of those kids who just spits on their parents and treats them with contempt. I don’t know what kind of parents they are but I can’t help but think he is breaking their hearts. Any parent with any control over their kid would have stepped up and kept him from destroying his “brand.” The foul mouthed, hateful, freaky behavior on camera is horrific.
You sound like an urban anon who gets things trucked/flown in. Where the jobs are. Maybe I’m wrong. Do you really think Walmart is putting mom and pop out of business in low density areas? Do those communities not count? What do you think about driving over an hour, one way, to go to the grocery store? You know that’s a common thing, right? Your moral outrage makes sense in a high end, dense population center, I guess. Not so much in some other areas. You do realize that having opinions about things doesn’t mean you’re a good person, right? It’s just an opinion. Would you be willing to do something to help the people who would be negatively impacted if your moral stance and hatred won the day? IMO, this issue is many faceted and nothing simplistic about it. Expand your thinking to see the bigger picture before you virtue signal so vehemently.
We always hear that a healthy economy needs a healthy middle class. I agree. But we also need a healthy working class to fill those jobs that fall between menial labor and traditional middle class. Some might work in factories, construction or be in the the trades but small end entrepreneurs/self employed can be a fabulous career path (note, many of these fields are also middle class - I get that). I’ll go on record that I think the future of families won’t be just exhausted two income families with 1 or 2 kids in day care. I think we’re going to start seeing bigger families and one or both parents working from home, at least during the time the kids are younger.
Not young. Retired. Walmart allowed me to shoe all my kids - all I could afford. Friends in rural areas are THRILLED to get Walmart’s. Jobs, nearby grocery stores. You sound like you have no earthly idea of why anyone would shop at Walmart in the first place. Makes your judgmental virtue signaling pretty easy because of your narrow focus. How’s that Whole Foods?
You sound like you have absolutely no idea how many rural people are employed by Walmart. The days of the family farm have largely gone away, leaving whole communities scrambling. It’s either Walmart, the Coop or the slaughter house. Meanwhile, urbanites pay top dollar for bread, fruits and vegetables run by big ag, using pesticides, gmo crops, and rely on our modern day food delivery system so they can have bananas in January. Self awareness is a virtue. Try it, you’ll realize I’m right.