The year of the rat, remember rats flee a ship when sinking but what I’m experiencing with some Q supporters, they’re fleeing the ship not because it’s sinking because it’s too hard to cope. And they can’t see we are about to move heaven and earth.
Some that where stalwart soldiers went on 1/2 Chan and got conned into criticizing trump and can’t see anything true about Q. There’s a virus going on and it’s not corona virus, these people let down their guard, because they loved the conspiracy theory aspect of Q, not the truth of Q+ or Q, it’s sad really.
This one believes the corona virus is bringing Nesara but not only that they do not believe Trump is opposed. It’s strange to me to see this, after the most fierce battle of our lifetime they give up in the 4th inning, remember there us no 5th step. It makes me sad, but it makes me mad of how weak people are.
Jesus said few would be chosen, and I think the dividing of the Tares among the wheat is happening now, even in our anon community. But whatever happens we can only serve the highest principal of God which is love and honor.
Sorry I’m going off on a diatribe here. Love you anons, no homo here