Anonymous ID: 6b3c9e March 16, 2020, 9:12 p.m. No.8445888   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5932 >>5936 >>5982 >>6096 >>6286 >>6323 >>6358

>>8445487 PB Easy ways to kill the virus(s) - heat and ionopore with zinc


4 days ago: Dr. Mohammad Sajadi, an associate professor of medicine at the University of Maryland, thinks weather might play a role. He and colleagues found a striking temperature similarity among regions with sustained outbreaks of COVID-19: between 5 and 11 degrees Celsius (41 and 52 degrees Fahrenheit).


YOU get a hot shower.

…. and YOU get a hot shower.


EVERYBODY gets a hot shower.


AND, there is also this new virus killing technique coming out of South Korea.


It is working so well, it may work on many viruses. AND it is working so well they are now doing dose studies to prep for fast clinical trials.


Invitro is finished.

In vivo animal studies next (short duration, prolly mice)

In vivo can also be done on humans quickly, as the ionopore medication they are using is a prescription malaria medication off of patent.


Green tea if bitter over steeped is a zinc ionopore also. You need to steep out the EGCG's that give the tea a bitter taste. Eat the leaves if you are using bags and you have the virus. Loose leaf is stronger.

Not normal, but, what about this timeline is normal?

Doc has to be at hospital, is doing the green tea and zinc thing below to ward off the virus at work that he WILL be running into.


Zinc + an "ionopore" both taken simultaneously appear to be killing the virus in South Korea within 48 hours, in the oldest and worst patients, even after severe infection.


Advise all first responders to get out the vitamin pills, with Zinc, any amount will do as long as you are not deficient in Zinc. Then add green tea for the EGCG ionopore effect.



What is an ionopore?

How do you take it?



Zinc = ion

Pore = opening


The "ionopore" is a molecule capable of opening the human cell walls to let the zinc in to kill the virus

(vid related after 1;50)

Normally, the cells do NOT let ZN++ into the cell unless CAREFULLY controlled, cuz it messes up the RNA replication system.


Which is the point.


Mess up the RNA replication of the virus. And the Zinc ionopore combo works quick it appears.


The particular ionopore they are using in South Korea is an old malaria medication that is now out of patent, has a few well known side effects, but well tolerated, used by millions for many years. It is called chloroquine.


South Korea does not have chloroquine, they are using Hydroxychloroquine, which turns out mebbe better, cuz stops cytokyne storm in the lungs also?


It is by prescription.


The EGCG in GREEN TEA is also a zinc ionopore, so you can drink some bitter over steeped green tea when you take the zinc, and if taken together, the egcg lets the zinc in the cell almost as well as chloroquine. (See the med research charts in the vid)


Charts, sauce, all medical reports getting ready for these clinical trials are in the 17 minute vid, #3, embedded here, starting just 1;50 ish.


I'm including all three videos done by this doc because they are excellent at explaining and saucing this information, even for medical community at large.


But vid #3 covers the zinc green tea and zinc quercitin combo's


Vid 1 Coronavirus Epidemic Update 32: Important Data from South Korea, Can Zinc Help Prevent COVID-19?


Vid 2

Coronavirus Epidemic Update 34: US Cases Surge, Chloroquine & Zinc Treatment Combo, Italy Lockdown.


Vid 3 (embedded)

Epidemic Update 34: US Cases Surge, Chloroquine & Zinc Treatment Combo, Italy Lockdown