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So, I Googled "Bathhouse Barry"
The Obama Hustle
The Rediscovered Truth About Barack H Obama
Obama Alias Used For Cover At Chicago Gay Bath House?
By AL HENDERSHOT – The Obama Hustle 10/30/2012
I am going to start this article by describing the context for which it, the article will be written. There is a subculture with in the African-American community that is seldom discussed and that is the activities of Black men who engage in homosexual activities while still in heterosexual relationships, ie. living in the down low.
Down-low is an African American slang term that refers to a subculture of men who usually identify themselves as heterosexual, but who have sex with men; some avoid sharing this information even if they have female sexual partner(s). The term is also used to refer to a related sexual identity.
Firstly, I want to make clear that this article is in no way making any disparaging comments towards the LGBT community. This article is simply going to discuss the closeted activities of a man who is probably denying who he really is for political purposes.
The rumors about Obama‘s predilection for one-sided homosexual contact or even full sexual contact has been discussed for many years ever since his connection to several known Gay individuals and even others who might also be on the down low themselves such as Reverend Jeremiah Wright and current Chicago Mayor, Rahm Emanuel.
Some so-called straight people love to have their homosexual fantasies explored in many ways and places. Now obviously most MGM’s (Married Gay Men) cannot host his/their sexual encounters so he has to find alternatives. One of Obama’s alternatives for his Gay sexual encounters has been known to be a Bath House known as “Man’s Country”.
Now as Bath Houses go Man’s Country appears to be the Trolliest (new word I invented). Mostly older men frequent this establishment which is as past reported seems to be the kind of men Obama likes to play with. It has been noted that Obama enjoys/has enjoyed having oral sex with older men where he is the recipient of the oral copulation. Now whether he, Obama and Emanuel have ever played together that’s a different story all together, but that would be interesting. Who would be more dominant, Obama or Emauel."