The United States government is ruled by a cabal of evil bad guys who really hate America. They are the cause of every war and all the debt that you can not pay off. They only exist to gain profit, and they will do anything to protect their masses of wealth. Their most valuable tactic is distraction: sowing division between the people of the United States, whether it be between blacks and whites, Christians and Muslims, men and women, young and old. In order to protect their own interests, the cabal also targets the very things that make humanity strong, specifically the family unit. We swear we aren't talking about cultural Marxism. Every time the interests of the cabal are threatened, they use their power to either distract the public or kill whoever is targeting them. Remember John F. Kennedy? Yeah, the cabal killed that guy, and they also tried to kill Ronald Reagan but they missed.
The majority of the presidents since the days of Kennedy were all criminals who form the cabal, and every time a president tried to do something good that opposed the cabal, they got killed. But now, a person who has never committed a crime in his entire life has taken the presidency of the United States of America. Known only as Trump, he outright refused to work for the cabal, and he is going to help all the American patriots destroy the cabal. The cabal was even in power in North Korea until very recently. The reason Kim Jong Un, a very peaceful and down-to-earth person, was willing to come forward to negotiate an end to the Korean War was because he was the first leader of North Korea to throw off the cabal influence.
As time goes on, the cabal will lose influence, but only if people keep being woke. The good QAnon people who work in the CIA, FBI, NSA, and all the other spooky government agencies will help expose all the secrets that the big bad evil guys are trying to hide from the public. Really. We swear that people with the ability to reason will eat these reputable facts up.