Anonymous ID: 97e19d March 16, 2020, 10:29 p.m. No.8446481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6513 >>6617 >>6621

Mannnnn I'm not even gonna loke my bruddhas. For the longest time I thought the "adrenochrome" angle was a fucking shill push to sound outlandish. Like, I mean, I had no doubt the elites use psychedelics and feel they derive some sort of power/connection from their experiences, but like…"adrenochrome", sheeeit, it just sounds gay as fuck. Like straight up gay. But I just did a whole dive on it.


Just google "adrenochrome" now, and see what comes up! I swear some of these page hits didnt use to come up man.


Seeing that epipen website talk about the oxidation of epinephrine has me fucking bonkers over here dudes. What the fuckkkit.


Sheeeeeit, out!