Anonymous ID: d13746 March 16, 2020, 10:19 p.m. No.8446419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6431 >>6439

Google is now in full CONTROL


Not my list and yes it's from fb. Who cares.

Search away.


If we are in CONTROL

Then control the search.

Control the algorithm




It helps.


I google just the words on the list

Then I use the + to my advantage


I use central command (the Whitehouse has a central command)

then article - I dig so I want articles

The any of the words listed.


For instance copy this.

"Central command article Hillary laundering"

Search in Google then press images


Now try searching with out the central command article.

The difference is different.


I'm truly trying to inform anons of the power we have garnished for this silent war.


Digital army needs nukes.

Here is a route.

We need to play our role as the keystone.

Do you have the stones?

The best is yet to come.


Anonymous ID: d13746 March 16, 2020, 10:31 p.m. No.8446499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6733


Unification is what is happening.

The jaded will come around.

The information is there use it. Inform the normies what to search.

They have a lot of free time atm.

Use their weapons against them.

One could say Patriots are now in control of Google search inquiries.

A win when we anons see our research trending.

It feels good.

Anonymous ID: d13746 March 16, 2020, 10:58 p.m. No.8446679   🗄️.is 🔗kun


MK Ultra did not end and has become an unnamed “program” using advanced technologies. The difference is that present day victims doesnt have to be tied up to a bed and drugged with LSD to be torture just like what Dr Ewen Cameron has done to his patients in Allen Memorial Hospital in Montreal. Present day victims can be attack anywhere using compact device and satellite radar system. Their minds are being bombarded with marathon voices and sounds, some are deceptively sounded like their own inner voices. These victims are also being subjected to radiations and pyshological stalking tactics patternned to Germany’s Nazi-like harassments. Some victims are lucky enough to survive several phases of the “program” and discovered the real causes of their demise. Some victims committed suicide and died without knowing the truth. Others are being institutionalized with psychotropic drugs and labelled as dellussional or paranoid. Mainstream media doesn’t cover this crimes because they owned by corporation who finance the “program” and has become part of the brainwashing machine. Desensitizing the masses so that they don’t feel anything about this kind of terrorism. So that they give up their own privancy and human rights are part of the brainwashing programs. Here are something for you to think about: