China can, as last resource, throtle the pharmaceutical supply to the US, causing a huge demand that won't be met as US doesn't have enough pharmaceutical production capabilities, increasing the pressure in the US.
Why hasn't Q posed about covid-19, now that it is mainstream?
If Q+ is not in control about this situation, Europe is fucked. The Chinese propaganda has already started, and the EU population opinion about Trump is already negative and degrading even more each day. Plus, China is starting to help Europe a lot in dealing with covid-19, and therefore the public opinion about them will get better, meanwhile we're straying further from the US. China is winning the EU's people minds, while Trump is losing by a lot. I really hope that you're in control.
I know that this will be controversial for some of you, but keep in mind that it wouldn't be controversial for Q, since he asks of us to always be skeptic. IF deep state wanted to control the information flow, a board like this would be the best thing to do: they would have a huge percentage of information originating here, and they would be able to easily control who is saying what. Although I don't think it's the case, it's a possibility nonetheless.
It worries me that Q hasn't posted in a long time since the start of covid-19. China seems to have a lot of attack vectors, both against the EU and US. EU seems to be in a greater danger tho.
Godspeed. EU will need US help, sooner or later. Be ready