Anonymous ID: ecfe83 March 17, 2020, 6:44 a.m. No.8448770   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8842 >>8847 >>8882 >>8893 >>8971 >>9365



That was me, and here's a simple answer. It's even moar complex than this.


The census serves more than just one purpose. It's main function is to determine the population count per state so that the apportionment of Representatives in the House is updated…but that's not its only function.


The population data from that also determines (for much of the following 10 years) how money appropriated by Congress will be spent. The apportionment principle also has some application to whether California gets more, or less, aid over the next 10 years than, say - Texas. Population percentages vary, so do the percentages of money divvied up.


POTUS just tweeted something to that effect - all states are not the same.


There's a few other effects that the census has on various programs, but it also has a HUGE effect on city/county determinations for Planning Departments, etc.


For instance, if there are 10 restaurants in your small town and 5 more want to open up, do you have the land available for it? Will the population support it, or will it drive 8 of the 10 existing restaurants out of business (and thereby reduce the overall amount of food businesses from 10 to 7)?


If that sounds anti-free market to you, it sounds that way - but keep this in mind, those existing 10 restaurants all have people, families, lives, etc. So the numbers affect the overall balance.


Doncha think it would help if the numbers weren't fucked because people didn't want to participate?

Anonymous ID: ecfe83 March 17, 2020, 6:56 a.m. No.8448847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8925 >>9027 >>9450


How about keeping in mind that the folks who do come by, if they locate you, are just contract workers trying to get by? There's nothing sinister about them. They're just trying to earn a living, same as almost everyone else.


>>8448750 see >>8448770


>>8448794 on behalf of the Census Bureau, thanks!


>>8448801 see >>8448770 do you know a low-income elderly? Why should he/she have less money if he/she lives in a growing state, over a state like California where it's getting smaller? Money is divvied up for aid based on Census numbers


>>8448809 thanks, and WELL SAID!

Anonymous ID: ecfe83 March 17, 2020, 7:26 a.m. No.8449082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9243 >>9422



As a census employee, you're asking the wrong guy, it's above my paygrade to address your questions.


As an anon like you, citizenship IS important. It SHOULD help inform the government what/where appropriated funds are applied. Some things it makes sense for the government to worry about all people (citizen or not), and somethings it should only be about citizens.


Take coronavirus for instance - I'm against illegals being here, but I can't say the government shouldn't spend money to test an illegal for CV and take quarantining measures for positives - just because they're illegal. That wouldn't make sense, would it?


For zoning and other shit, it's local politicians who do that, but they get their data from the census. Like I asked another anon, do you know someone who is low income and needs gov't assistance like medicare? If so, it would make more sense if that person gets a correct share. Costs tend to rise on a uniform percentage throughout the US, but if the money is apportioned wrong, the available aid won't be.


Correctly counting all the people means the States, locals, and Feds will have better info on where that money goes and hopefully results in fewer people getting short-changed by the system.

Anonymous ID: ecfe83 March 17, 2020, 7:42 a.m. No.8449198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9227 >>9319 >>9374



VENUS44 and other flights "hovering" around Newpie News…makes me think there might be secure line-of-sight-only comms capability on some of those planes…like laser transmission capability.


Neat way to talk to folks without being overheard, no?

Anonymous ID: ecfe83 March 17, 2020, 7:45 a.m. No.8449218   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9252 >>9392



Census Whiner anon doesn't seem to interested in looking up bread for a response that Census Taker anon already posted…


Thereby confirming that Census Whiner anon is a glowing faggot who probably doesn't even reside in the US in any event.


I recommend a red scarf and doorknob for your troubles.

Anonymous ID: ecfe83 March 17, 2020, 7:56 a.m. No.8449327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9358



Don't furget "muh longest range snipah shot, eh".


It's prolly a clown fucking with a weak point, bro. We know there's plenty of good folk in Canada, and some tough fighters, too. Whenever I think Canadian mil, I always think about the Schelde.