And there it is. Did anyone else do a double take when they discussed the introduction of MASH units to population centers during this morning's covid-19 press conference? How to introduce a welcome military presence in advance of the mass arrests of big names to tamp down violent protests? "Quarantine Team" presence already underway in high risk areas.
We're all coming for you. The end. Suicide weekend?
Quite a statement! Mockery at it's finest.
Add a few thousand to that stupid list. 150 thousand to be precise.
I will pay big money to see the penned up losers held at my local Gitmo Penitentiary franchise, just to look at them in the eye and laugh. Where I am in CA, there will be thousands and thousands to laugh at.
Inside Huwan. Must be seen. Many questions exactly who is behind this. USA based channel, host speaks only Russian, requires subtitles and English v.o.
Make that Wuhan. I was Wong .