Tuning out the noise is getting EASIER, as all the negativity cunts have nothing more to offer but projecting their fears.
With faith only in their perception of the mediated clown world and in their subjective assessment of the inevitability of the results of believing their powerlessness, their personal doom, they offer their shit as evidence of their intellectual capacity.
“Woo hoo!, we’re all going to die and if you don’t believe my anal cogence, then you are the poo-poo head!”
The arrested development infants think that THEY are the adults in the room, based SOLELY on their media nannies constant programming and then validate their virtue by condemning the mature, cool heads who consume FAR less passive media, as uneducated and immature!
Irony is lost on those without a sense of humor, other than the cruel grade school, cut-down which they feed upon from the possessed puppets.
Smart? No, just intellectual. Just left hemisphere dominated, running faulty programming ALL THE TIME!