Prediction: At some point soon, the DS/MSM will attempt to hijack the narrative back to blaming Trump. Perhaps a relentless barrage of niggly barbs and lies. This will be allowed to go on for a time until POTUS, at the right moment during a press conference, perhaps Oval Office speech, brings down the hammer by threatening the media with charges of treason and sedition, using anti-American propaganda during a time of national emergency. Then signs an EO giving ether the JD, or the military, the authority to shut down those media sources engaging in anti-American propaganda.
Merely calling them out in public might be enough to send the message, effectively shutting them down. Perhaps after a stupid question by one of the MSM lackeys trying to twist something he said or did, you might hear POTUS say, "Enough is enough. The jig is up Acosta. The time for grown up talk has arrived." Boom.