There is no civilized way to stop them. They are starving in their home country because it is in collapse. There is no solution to any "island" in the universe that has "too many people" (or any other animal) for the natural subsistence of nature.
In recent Earth History as occasional undiscovered tribes were discovered… there were no old people.
Even with The Bible, and the generations were 900+ years at first, it was required to populate the "island". Across the first 10 centuries, as more people were consuming resources, the life span diminished.
As civilized centers (Cities and kings) expanded, they needed more sustenance, resources, and contention developed. That situation existed in America between American Indian Tribes, and they competed for the same land or herds of Buffalo.
Along came knowledge and science to get more "product" out of an acre of land, and mankind found ways to transport the "extra product" to other communities, or countries!
Then next challenge was to increase "Shelf life" of food, and find resolution for disease, and increase life span.
When FDR gave us Social Security… start at age 65; but few people lived to age 60.
Medicine and Health care 'improved' that situation.
Enoch Chapter 8:
Now I understand why God was so upset when the "Tree of Knowledge" was loosed on the earth by the Watchers (fallen angels) in Garden of Eden.
There are too many people… to quickly on this island Earth.
For those who understand the plans of NWO after they get full control, Priority is reducing the POPULATION!