Planefag checking in. Some double AZAZ action today, with an 09 and O9 out there. Two Elvis MC-12W Liberty SIGINT planes were also out in Guatamala and Cancun.
Part 1
Planefag checking in. Some double AZAZ action today, with an 09 and O9 out there. Two Elvis MC-12W Liberty SIGINT planes were also out in Guatamala and Cancun.
Part 1
Part 2 - the AZAZ's come out to play…
Part 3 - More AZAZ and Marines action
Part 4
This brings me up to date
"You'll never find. some toilet rolls like mine…"
Ginger Baker?
That really is a picture of Ginger Baker, from the band Cream.
I see Freddy's woke up again. Who put fresh ait in his tires?
God loves a trier, but there are limits…
Please complete this form and hand it to the HR Department after your line manager has signed it
When do you want to be ill? Now/Next week/ Summer
How bad do you want this illness to be? Slight/Moderate/Severe/Crippling/Fatal
Where do you want this illness to happen? At Home/ The Maldives/ The Mistress' House/ In a Police Cell
How do you want this illness to occur? During Sex/ During an Eating Contest/ on The Toilet/ During a Gun Battle
Signature of Line manager…………………..