Anonymous ID: 8eac88 March 17, 2020, 11:45 a.m. No.8451763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1805 >>1837 >>1949

Actress Says Jewish Conspiracy Behind Coronavirus


Actress Rosanna Arquette implied Tuesday that a Jewish conspiracy is behind the coronavirus spreading across the world.


“I’m still confused,” she wrote in a post on Twitter, now deleted, “so Israel has been working on a corona virus vaccine for a year already? (so they knew ) Vaccines take a long time to know if they are safe and KUSHNER OSCAR is the major investor in the new vaccine that is supposedly coming here. lives at risk for profit.”


It was unclear what “KUSHNER OSCAR” means, but RedState took a stab at it.


If there is anything bad in the world then, ipso facto, Jews and Israel are behind it. That an Israeli company, with a (I suppose) relative of Jared Kushner’s as an investor, would be developing a vaccine a year in advance for a virus that was first identified in December 2019 is something that we should all have immediately thought because $$$$ is the first thing that we should have thought of were we thinking clearly and not mesmerized or something.


To help Arquette understand, there’s a reason this coronavirus is called COVID-19 — there are plenty more coronaviruses out there, the name for a larger class of viruses.


“Coronaviruses are a group of related viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, coronaviruses cause respiratory tract infections that can be mild, such as some cases of the common cold (among other possible causes, predominantly rhinoviruses), and others that can be lethal, such as SARS, MERS, and COVID-19. Symptoms in other species vary: in chickens, they cause an upper respiratory tract disease, while in cows and pigs they cause diarrhea. There are yet to be vaccines or antiviral drugs to prevent or treat human coronavirus infections,” Wikipedia says.


The name, by the way, “is derived from the Latin corona, meaning ‘crown’ or ‘halo,’ which refers to the characteristic appearance reminiscent of a crown or a solar corona around the virions (virus particles) when viewed under two-dimensional transmission electron microscopy, due to the surface covering in club-shaped protein spikes.”


And for the record, COVID-19 originated in Wuhan, China, with the first case being diagnosed on Dec. 1, 2019 (at least according to Chinese officials).


Twitterers blasted Arquette.


Great, we're now at the "Hollywood celebrities are blaming the Jews" phase of Coronavirus.


— Esoteric Jeff (@EsotericCD) March 17, 2020


Incidentally, because Arquette is too emptyheaded to realize this, there are TONS of coronaviruses out there. They're not a new thing. This particular strain, COVID-19, is new.


— Esoteric Jeff (@EsotericCD) March 17, 2020


The Goebbels Gap: the amount of time between something bad happening in the world and someone figuring out a way to blame the Jews for it


(((Yair Rosenberg))) (@Yair_Rosenberg) March 1, 2020


This person doesn't understand biology or chemistry in any capacity. Coronavirus is a class of viruses. Covid-19 is a variant, so yes they could have been working on this class of virus before this particular strain got people sick.


— אלכס ק וויינר (@alexcweiner) March 17, 2020

Anonymous ID: 8eac88 March 17, 2020, 11:46 a.m. No.8451772   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hayward Resident Sentenced to Four Years for Acting as an Agent of the People’s Republic of China

Anonymous ID: 8eac88 March 17, 2020, 11:47 a.m. No.8451786   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Iranian National Extradited to the Western District of Texas for Illegally Exporting Military Sensitive Items from the U.S. to Iran

Anonymous ID: 8eac88 March 17, 2020, 11:48 a.m. No.8451790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1813 >>1879

Trump to propose $850B stimulus for coronavirus response


The Trump administration will seek approval of a roughly $850 billion emergency stimulus package from Congress in order to ease the economic impact of the coronavirus, a senior administration official confirmed on Tuesday.


The senior administration official stressed that the proposal is a tax proposal, not a spending stimulus as Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) is proposing. The development was first reported by The Washington Post, which said that the stimulus package could include a payroll tax cut and is expected to include about $50 billion to help the airline industry specifically.


Speaking to reporters Tuesday afternoon, President Trump and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin also said they wanted to send checks to Americans as part of the proposal. Trump indicated the administration was still considering a payroll tax cut, but looking at other measures to more quickly send money to Americans.


Mnuchin said the administration wanted to get cash payments to Americans in the next “two weeks,” but wouldn’t say how much the one-time payments would be.


"We’re looking at sending checks to Americans immediately," Mnuchin told reporters at the White House.


Trump has been pushing for a payroll tax cut as a means of helping those feeling economic impacts of the virus. The president also told reporters at a briefing Monday that his administration would "back the airlines 100 percent" and said officials would "very strongly" consider the request for $50 billion in assistance made by the industry.


Mnuchin is expected to outline the package to Senate Republicans on Tuesday. He indicated Tuesday that the stimulus package proposal would also include payments to small business and loan guarantees to specific industries, like airlines and hotels.


Schumer, meanwhile, is expected to unveil a proposal laying out some $750 billion in spending to address the economic fallout of the virus.


The package that the administration is seeking, if approved, would represent the third such action Congress has taken to address the impact of the virus, which has sickened well over 4,000 people in the United States, rattled the stock market and prompted school, business and other closures across the country.


News of the proposal comes a day after the House passed a sweeping package aimed at helping American families affected by the virus, which gained support from President Trump.

Anonymous ID: 8eac88 March 17, 2020, 11:48 a.m. No.8451796   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Putin signs decree on holding nationwide voting on constitutional amendments on April 22


MOSCOW, March 17. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on holding the nationwide voting on constitutional amendments on April 22.

Anonymous ID: 8eac88 March 17, 2020, 11:49 a.m. No.8451804   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bullion Demand SURGES, Mostly Cleaning Out Dealer Inventories


There will be many people who look at gold and silver prices and assume lots of gold bugs are selling. They couldn’t be more wrong.


The disconnect between paper prices for precious metals and demand in the bullion markets has never been clearer. Nervous investors are frantically buying coins, rounds, and bars. Dealer shelves quickly emptied of more popular products and delays are now being quoted on many products – especially in silver.


The U.S. Mint stopped accepting orders temporarily for the silver American Eagle, Investors have coped with bottlenecks at the U.S. Mint before, but it has been a few years. The truth is that the production capacity for fabricated silver and gold products has always been too small to cope with massive demand surges.


Buying demand for physical gold and silver during the past week was unprecedented, and it is becoming almost unmanageable.


Dealer shelves are suddenly looking a lot like the bottled water section at Costco.


In a sense, we are seeing a perfect storm of events driving demand:


Silver spot prices dropped over $4.00 per ounce in recent days, and gold lost about $175/oz. The largest drops came during the last three trading days. Bargain hunters have been out in droves.

Many bullion investors focused on making preparations for the coronavirus and added to their metal stacks.

The turmoil in equity markets is driving massive interest in physical metal as a safe haven.

The Federal Reserve announced a multi-trillion dollar repo and bond purchasing program – and slashed short term rates to zero. Plenty of metal investors wonder if the wheels are finally coming off as the Fed quintuples down on what is obviously a failed policy; print oceans of money and hand it out to Wall Street banks.

To cap it off, news of the U.S. Mint suspending sales of the silver American Eagle spread through the market Friday. Lots of people rushed to get their hands on available stocks.


Demand for silver has been particularly heated. The gold/silver ratio, the gold price divided by the silver price, has surged to an all-time high of 115 to 1.


Like all preparations, buying physical gold and silver is best done when markets are quiet and prices are low. The past few years were characterized by low premiums and plentiful inventory. Mints and refiners had excess capacity and some – including Elemetal and Republic Metals – are now gone.


Last week, that all changed. Premiums, both bid and ask, spiked on silver products and gold is likely not be too far behind. Investors trying to take advantage of the low silver prices may find they are instead paying a price similar, or even higher, for Silver Eagles than they would have a week ago, despite the $3.00 decline in the underlying spot price.


Order volume on Friday and through to today has been well more than five times our typical activity – something we have not seen before. Mints and refiners will not be able to keep up with anywhere near that level of demand. However, Money Metals’ relationships with suppliers is among the strongest in the industry.


Money Metals Exchange has all hands on deck to fulfill customer orders. We do our very best to inform customers of what they can expect for delivery before their order is placed. That said, we do expect more surprises from the manufacturers struggling to meet demand. Ramping production requires people and equipment – neither of which can be procured at a moment’s notice.


If you are thinking about a bullion purchase, consider gold which offers better availability and is behind silver in terms of the premium increases. Moreover, most silver items now come with some additional delay.

Anonymous ID: 8eac88 March 17, 2020, 11:53 a.m. No.8451852   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Congressman Duncan Hunter Sentenced to 11 Months in Prison


Former California Congressman Duncan Hunter was sentenced to 11 months in prison after he pleaded guilty on campaign finance violations.


Hunter, a Republican, will also receive three years of parole on the corruption charges that stemmed from misusing more than $200,000 in campaign funds to pay for personal expenses.


Last year, he pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to misuse campaign funds before resigning weeks later.


During a court hearing on Tuesday, Hunter said he is taking “full responsibility for any dime that was spent by me or anyone else on my campaign,” CNN reported.


Federal Election Commission finance rules bar officials from spending campaign funds for personal use.


In an interview with KUSI News last year, Hunter said, “I think it’s important that people know that I did make mistakes. I did not properly monitor or account for my campaign money. I justify my plea with the understanding that I am responsible for my own campaign and my own campaign money.”


Hunter, 43, faced a maximum of five years in prison, although prosecutors asked the judge to give him a lighter sentence because of his plea deal in December.

Anonymous ID: 8eac88 March 17, 2020, 11:57 a.m. No.8451909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1956

Serbian President Says European Solidarity Doesn’t Exist, Asks China For Help Against COVID-19


On March 16th, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced a state of emergency in the country, and said he had sent a letter to his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping asking for help after the EU imposed limits on exports of medical equipment amid the coronavirus crisis.


“I sent a letter to President Xi, in which for the first time I officially called him not only a dear friend but also a brother, and not only my personal friend but also a friend and brother of this country,” Vucic said.


“As of today, as you know, we cannot even import goods, according to the European Union’s decisions, [European Commission president] Ursula von der Leyen said this a while ago, we cannot import medical equipment from EU countries,” he added.


He said that he had asked China to send Serbia “everything” – “even to send us doctors, [because] our doctors are already tired”.

Anonymous ID: 8eac88 March 17, 2020, 11:59 a.m. No.8451942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2206

Footage Shows Australian Special Forces Shoot And Kill Unarmed Man In Afghanistan


A video released on March 16th, showed an Australian Special Air Service (SAS) shoot an unarmed Afghan man three times in the head and chest while he cowers on the ground.


His death took place within three minutes of the soldiers arriving in the village.


An Australian Defence Force (ADF) investigation later ruled the killing was justified because it was in self-defence.


The killing was one of a series of cases uncovered by Four Corners that may constitute war crimes.


A former member of the same SAS squadron, who was on the 2012 deployment to Afghanistan and has been shown the vision, described the killing to Four Corners as a “straight-up execution”.


The video, taken by the helmet camera of the patrol’s dog handler, shows the SAS patrol disembarking from one of two Black Hawk helicopters before fanning out near the village of Deh Jawz-e Hasanzai.


The situation in the video takes place in May 2012, and 3 Squadron SAS is looking for an insurgent bombmaker.


The handler, with his dog, follows the patrol scout, who Four Corners has called Soldier C, through a field towards a mud compound.


The helicopters are guiding them to a person who has been spotted in a wheat field ahead.


The soldiers and the dog stumble upon a bearded man in his 20s, with red prayer beads in his hand, who the dog assaulted. The dog is called Quake.


Then a conversation takes place, after the soldier keeps the man at gunpoint for about 20 seconds, asking if he should “drop this c***.”


He asks the commander if he should kill the man, and an inaudible response follows.


The soldier then shoots the man three times.


The SAS soldier who shot Dad Mohammad claimed the Afghan had been shot because he had been seen with a radio. The soldier also claimed he fired from 15 to 20 meters away in self-defense.



The dead man’s name was Dad Mohammad, and he was thought to be 25 or 26 years old.


Braden Chapman was a signals intelligence officer with 3 Squadron SAS on that 2012 deployment, but was not a witness to the killing.


Four Corners showed him the footage.


“It’s just a straight-up execution really,” he said.


“He’s asked someone of a superior rank what he should do, but it comes down to the soldier pulling the trigger. It’s a straight-up execution.”


Four Corners tracked down Dad Mohammad’s father, Abdul Malik.


He said his son was married, with two daughters.

Anonymous ID: 8eac88 March 17, 2020, 12:01 p.m. No.8451967   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Foreign Ministry: Western stances hostile to Syria increase its determination to defend its people, preserve its sovereignty


Damascus, SANA-Syria affirmed that the western stances hostile to Syria will increase its determination to defend its people, preserve its sovereignty, national independent decision and rebuild what has been destroyed by terrorism.


“Those western stances that target the country won’t affect it, but Syria will be more determined to go ahead in keeping the country’s sovereignty, its independent national decision and rebuilding what has been destroyed by terrorism,” an official source at the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said on Tuesday.


The statement added that what has come in the US-British-German and French statement, on the occasion of passing 9 years on the terrorist war which target Syria, stresses once again that those states still support the terrorist organizations to prolong the war on the Syrian people.


“What is more disgusting is the feign crying and hypocrisy featured by the western colonial discourse about human rights in Syria… this colonialism whose hands are stained with the blood of the Syrians and the reason behind their suffering because of the unjust war and sanctions that affect the life of the Syrian citizen,” the source affirmed.


It added that those states have violated the intentional law through supporting terrorism and through trying to interfere in the domestic affairs of countries and their flagrant violation of the international human law as they are responsible for the impacts of the unjust war on the lives of the Syrians, and all that requires from the international community to condemn these policies and bring those who are responsible for the crimes they have perpetrated to justice.

Anonymous ID: 8eac88 March 17, 2020, 12:05 p.m. No.8451999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2003

Is the Coronavirus a Chinese-Chabad Co-Production?


Could the real story be secret US-China collusion? … After all, there is a 'Chabad hotline' between Beijing China Chabad, and the Washington DC Chabad attended by Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner.


The Covid-19 coronavirus plague underway - hinting at a repeat of the 1918-20 'Spanish flu' which killed between 1%-5% of the world population - is arguably a bio-weapon, perhaps designed to lower life expectancy in Western countries to not much more than the retirement age.


This is possibly one of the major goals of 'Project Covid-19', along with setting the stage for more draconian political controls, and accelerating the implementation of a New World Order.

As to 'who' launched this bio-weapon, you can take your pick amidst the 'sides' in global politics.


China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian tweeted that, "it might be the US Army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan", and Veterans Today agrees, recalling how in October 2019, the US brought hundreds of so-called 'military athletes' and other personnel to Wuhan China for the World Military Games.


Or, you can delve into the story of Chinese corona virus researchers Dr Xiangguo Qiu and her husband Dr Keding Cheng, who had been affiliated with Canada's top-level National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, linked to other researchers from places in China including Wuhan. Some suggest these 'Chinese agents' could have transported a deadly weapons-grade virus to the Chinese laboratory in Wuhan.



(There are 13 'Chabad Houses' in China)




But could the real story be secret US-China collusion? … After all, there is a 'Chabad hotline' between Beijing China Chabad, and the Washington DC Chabad attended by Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner.


Elites in China and the USA share common interests in:


(1) Distracting from profound economic and unpayable-debt problems in both nations.


(2) Achieving higher levels of control and intimidation of their populations.


(3) Reducing the strain on national budgets from pensioners, now living much longer after exiting the labour force.




When late 1800s Germany introduced modern worker pensions, the average lifespan was only a couple of years beyond retirement age - a worker retiring at age 65 was beating the odds if he lived past age 67.


But with life expectancy now hovering close to age 80, and end-of-life medical costs skyrocketing, a big problem is at hand, especially when added to social benefits for other and younger people.


Also, NWO cabal controllers know how 'dangerous' some retired people are, with some in this age group being dedicated truthers. When a person has no fear of losing job or clients, he can speak more freely, and this un-nerves the NWO cabal.


Running Covid-19 pandemic statistics and data, Anatoly Karlin points out that we have plausible scenarios where, life expectancy can again reduce to the 66-67 age range, thus 'saving' retirement and social benefit funds


Pirbright Patent:



Anonymous ID: 8eac88 March 17, 2020, 12:05 p.m. No.8452004   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rocket Strike On Yet Another US-Led Coalition Base in Iraq


On March 16th, in the evening, a pair of rockets hit the Besmaya base south of Baghdad, Iraq.


The Iraqi military announced the strike, and mentioning no casualties.


This is the third strike on bases hosting US-led coalition and NATO troops in Iraq in a week.


Spanish forces linked to the U.S.-led coalition fighting ISIS, as well as NATO training forces, are present in Besmaya.


Earlier in the day, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned that the US would retaliate “as necessary” against any new assaults on Americans after the rocket attacks.


On the previous day, Pompeo spoke to Iraqi caretaker prime minister Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, in connection to a rocket attack on March 14th, after three American troops and several Iraqi forces were wounded in the second major rocket attack in the past week on an Iraqi base north of Baghdad, U.S. and Iraqi officials said.


He said Iraq’s government should defend the U.S.-led coalition helping it fight Islamic State, according to the statement from State Department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus.


“Secretary Pompeo underscored that the groups responsible for these attacks must be held accountable. Secretary Pompeo noted that America will not tolerate attacks and threats to American lives and will take additional action as necessary in self-defense,” it said.


After the March 14th attack, Iraq’s Joint Operations Command said 33 Katyusha rockets were launched near a section of the Taji base which houses U.S.-led coalition troops. It said the military found seven rocket launchers and 24 unused rockets in the nearby Abu Izam area.


Before that attack, the US launched airstrikes against Kata’ib Hezbollah, who are part of the Popular Mobilization Units, who are one of the main fighters against ISIS in the Iraqi Armed Forces, following a deadly attack on an Iraqi base housing U.S. troops.


Meanwhile, the US-led coalition said that it is vacating some its smaller bases in Iraq, in view of the ramped up attacks on US troops in the country.


“As a result of the success of Iraqi Security Forces in their fight against ISIS, the Coalition is re-positioning troops from a few smaller bases. These bases remain under Iraqi control and we will continue our advising partnership for the permanent defeat of Daesh from other Iraqi military bases,” the US-led coalition said.


“The Coalition remains in Iraq at the invitation of the Government of Iraq to defeat ISIS; since 2014, together, we have liberated more than 55,000 square kilometers and freed millions of Iraqi people from ISIS murderous rule. Our troops are re-positioning in coordination with the Government of Iraq. Due to operational security, we will not announce a specific timetable for the troop movements.”


There’s also reportedly a new armed group, Ausbat al-Thaayirin, who claimed responsibility for the March 3rd attack that killed 3 US marines and a British military nurse.


According to the statement assuming responsibility, the attack was in response to the US assassination of Deputy-Commander of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis and Commander of the Iranian Quds Force Maj. Gen. Qassam Soleimani. It also vowed to continue military actions against US forces.


It is yet unclear if the new attacks were also carried out by Ausbat al-Thaayirin.

Anonymous ID: 8eac88 March 17, 2020, 12:08 p.m. No.8452029   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2049 >>2066

US Postpones April 15 Tax Deadline By 90 Days


n news that will delight millions of Americans - at least those who end up owing Uncle Sam a tax bill instead of getting a refund - the US government will postpone the April 15 tax-payment deadline for tens of millions of taxpayers by 90 days, giving Americans roughly 3 months pay their 2019 income-tax bills in an unprecedented move.


The IRS, under the authority of President Trump’s national-emergency declaration, will waive interest and penalties as well, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said at the White House Tuesday. The delay will be available to people who owe $1 million or less and corporations that owe $10 million or less.


The extension was granted to give taxpayers a financial cushion as households and businesses cope with the sudden crash in economic activity caused by the coronavirus outbreak which has brought the US economy to a halt. The move could provide households with hundreds of billions of dollars in temporary liquidity, Mnuchin said last week in previewing the government’s actions.


"We are going to use all the tools we have,” Mr. Mnuchin said on Tuesday. “And what tools we don’t have, we’re going to go to Congress."


Meanwhile, those who are owed money from Uncle Sam will get it as the IRS will continue to process tax refunds, and Mnuchin urged people who can file their tax returns to do so. Many taxpayers who expect refunds file soon after the IRS opens filing in late January. That is particularly true for low-income households that benefit from the earned-income tax credit, which gives them cash.


About three-quarters of households typically receive refunds, and the IRS will still process returns and send out cash. However, people who file closer to the deadline typically owe money and are waiting to pay. They will benefit the most from Tuesday’s announcement, as will businesses that are worried about their cash flow.


While Mnuchin said last week that the tax deadline would be delayed for all but the superrich, his Tuesday announcement was the first explanation of the length of the delay and how it might work. The tax agency hasn’t yet released full details about how the delay will work.


According to official IRS data, as of March 6, the IRS had received 68 million individual income-tax returns, and since this is less than half of the returns that the IRS normally gets, it means that tens of millions of people can benefit from the relaxed deadlines.


Even if the IRS wanted to process all the tax filings it wouldn't be able to do so: the tax agency adjusted its own operations during the outbreak, shifting many employees to remote work, according to a message that Commissioner Charles Rettig sent to workers late Friday. In addition, Rettig limited travel, gave employees the option of avoiding face-to-face contacts with taxpayers and stopped those in-person contacts in heavily affected areas such as New York and Seattle.

Anonymous ID: 8eac88 March 17, 2020, 12:11 p.m. No.8452071   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Bloody Tuesday": In Unprecedented Move, China Expels All Foreign Journalists Working For NYT, WSJ, WaPo


In the latest escalation of tensions, China announced on Tuesday that it would expel all American journalists working for the New York Times, WSJ and the Washington Post. It also demanded that those outlets - as well as VOA and Time Magazine - provide the Chinese government with detailed information about their operations in the country, the NYT reports. These include "all written materials" including staff finances, operations and real estate information in China.


Experts described the move, which was retaliation for the Trump Administration limiting the numbers of Chinese citizens who can work for Chinese media agencies in the US.


Per the new measures, Beijing's media bureau has instructed American journalists "whose press credentials are due to expire before the end of 2020” to “notify the Department of Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs within four calendar days starting from today and hand back their press cards within ten calendar days."


The statement continued to specify that the expelled journalists "will not be allowed to continue working as journalists in the People’s Republic of China, including its Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions." China has kicked journalists out of the mainland before, but trying to bar them from HK or Macau is a first.


Hua Chunying, a prominent government spokesperson for China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said these were necessary countermeasures to fight back against the Trump Administration's "cold war mentality."


The decisions are entirely necessary countermeasures that China has been forced to take because of the unreasonable oppression that Chinese media organizations experience in the US. They are legitimate, justified self-defense in every sense.

Anonymous ID: 8eac88 March 17, 2020, 12:14 p.m. No.8452109   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2121 >>2131 >>2231 >>2293 >>2373 >>2424 >>2482 >>2503

Bank Runs have started


Spoke with a manager at a TD bank in New Jersey. She stated the branch had actually ran out of cash. Each customer was withdrawing between $3000-$7000. They had to truck more cash in just to cover the demand.


It appears people are extremely wise to what is coming.


A Bank of America branch on Park Avenue experienced a run of wealthy customers seeking to stockpile cash on Thursday


The rush came amid dramatic drops on the stock market, and caused the bank to run out of $100 bills


The banks says smaller bills were available as normal, and $100 bills were replenished the following day


The Federal Reserve says it has not seen a dramatic spike in the demand for cash despite the coronavirus crisis


Coronavirus symptoms: what are they and should you see a doctor?


A Manhattan bank temporarily ran out of $100 bills on Thursday as wealthy customers sought to withdraw large sums of cash as Wall Street suffered its biggest drop in more than 30 years.


Frantic clientele at a Bank of America branch on ritzy Park Avenue requested to retrieve tens of thousands of dollars to stockpile, which accounted for the shortage.


Two people who witnessed the rush told The New York Times that several people withdrew as much as $50,000.


On Thursday, the S&P 500 dropped more than nine percent – the largest percentage drop since the ‘Black Monday’ crash of 1987.


The fall was attributed to the worsening coronavirus crisis, however the markets largely bounced back on Friday after the Trump Administration announced new measures to fight the pandemic.

Anonymous ID: 8eac88 March 17, 2020, 12:26 p.m. No.8452233   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Netanyahu Exploits Coronavirus Fears to Consolidate Authoritarian Hold on Power


Bertrand Russell: 'Neither a man, nor a crowd, nor a nation can be trusted to act humanely or to think sanely under the influence of a great fear'


Fear is the tyrant s best friend - and liberty s worst enemy. The human instinct for survival is more powerful than any social commitment to decency, due process, separation of powers or the nuances of…

Anonymous ID: 8eac88 March 17, 2020, 12:30 p.m. No.8452278   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Top candidate for Merkel´s successor Friedrich Merz tests positive for coronavirus


Deputy head of Japan's Olympic Committee tests positive for coronavirus

Anonymous ID: 8eac88 March 17, 2020, 12:30 p.m. No.8452289   🗄️.is 🔗kun

EU leaders agree to close external borders to limit coronavirus spreading - President of EU commission