Anonymous ID: f5da7d March 17, 2020, 12:22 p.m. No.8452177   🗄️.is 🔗kun



“Headline: Barr DOJ drops Russia Collusion indictments against Russian Company Concord LLC.


Because Rodentstein, Gestapo Bob, Weissman and the happy band of

Democrat Lawfare thuglets had no case.

Remember, this indictment was done to affect the outcome of the 2018 elections and was covered heavily by the Washington Compost and New York

Slimes as justification for the Mueller Probe into everything Trump.

This purposeful fraud has yet to be addressed.

If you think Durham is going to address it, you are sadly just as deceived as I was.

What a bunch of slime balls we have for a DOJ.

"DOJ manual and regulations state that one must not show AN APPEARANCE of any impropriety or conflict of interest."

Well, as is par for the course when dealing with the RICO organization formally known as the Department

of Justice….

The psychopaths contained within used word salad and their friends in the press to gas-light the public into believing it was all proper and above board…..

In reality?

They had improper motives and while indicting this foreign company to which they had no way to actually prosecute the case……

It was done for political purposes but it didn't "appear" to be political……..”


“Slime balls misuse the law and that is exactly what “The Rodent" and his handy, self appointed "Special Counsel" team of unethical sacks of bat guano did.

The DOJ is a sick institution.

No cure and if we don't do something about it?

It's going to kill America.

I say demolish it before it destroys our Republic.

Using the law to become a National Security Threat to the Republic it was supposed to serve is unforgivable.


By the way…..

What sweeping reforms has Barr put in place to reform

the DOJ?





“Upon careful consideration of all of the circumstances, and particularly in light of recent

events and a change in the balance of the government's proof due to a classification determination.

as well as other facts described in more detail in a classified addendum to this motion, the

government has concluded that further proceedings as to Concord, a Russian company with no

presence in the United States and no exposure to meaningful punishment in the event of a

conviction, promotes neither the interests of justice nor the nation's security. The government has

therefore decided that the calculation of whether a substantial federal interest is served by this

prosecution, see Justice Manual $ 9-27.230. has changed since the indictment was returned, and

the better course is to cease litigation as to the Concord Defendants."



“How can it be that the government protects and represents criminals in court who were under government employ and at the same time prosecute them.

It doesn't work like that folks.

The DOJ is just as criminal as the Clinton's or Jeffrey Epstein.

How many DOJ Officials have been prosecuted?


Expecting criminals to prosecute criminals…… is a fools errand and is naive.

The only answer is military tribunals…..

A system of Justice outside the corrupt to the CORE

civilian system who has demonstrated time and time

again just how TYRANNICAL, corrupt and evil they are.

Wrongful prosecutions…..

Creating evidence……

Illegal spying…..

Lying to Federal Courts…..

Tanking Espionage Investigations….

Tolerating Subversive actions within….. (think #Resist

movement inside the government)

Committing acts of Sedition….. (think Russia, Russia, Russia)

Committing acts of Treason….. (think Russia, Russia, Russia)

All of these things have been perpetrated by those

under employ by the DOJ…… and they think you and I are naive enough to think they are going to prosecute their own fellow comrades….

The ONLY way forward is a Justice System that is outside of the corrupt one the perpetrators control…..

Military Tribunals are truly the only

answer if we are to save our country

from these criminals who have

nested within We the People's



"Returning Power to the People." Q
