"MilOrbs and PSVs have put an end to the old concept of Army, Navy, and Air Force. What's the point of talking about aircrafts and submarines when the same object behaves as an aircraft to then descend to the sea surface and submerge, to just re-emerge miles away from the surface and behave as a cruise missile?"
"Tic-tac UFOs? No, sorry. They are kinetic weapons at hypersonic speeds. Do you know what the result would be if three of them impact against the USS Nimitz? I'll tell you: the smallest piece you'd find will be the size of a tic-tac mint. The incredible thing in that incident is not the kinetic weapon itself; it is the fact that we operated them from Tangent and Sienna and yet none of the assets in Carrier Strike Group 11 detected them. That's the situation."
"Replicating a Giselian vehicle is just half the story; piloting the vehicle is the other half, and this half proved to be more difficult than the other one, you see. The autonomic nervous system is no more autonomic as we need to avoid any involuntary reflexes. The entire system must be fully controlled by the crew, but the crew itself must be fully controlled by the system. There must be no difference between the aircraft and the crew. Engaging and destroying an intruding Giselian vehicle requires our biology to be transcended. That's how it goes."
QAZ and FTW radars were blind to the test vehicle for at least 23 minutes. Same for QYS Primary. Test flight shows the vehicle could have easily disrupted all major radar facilities from Dyess AFB to target point Altus AFB. At 002301 mission time, Presence was made visible to radars and scrambled fighters from Carlswell NAS in order to test collision avoidance systems.
Artificial Intelligence is the enemy. Shut the internet down and AI will have no further ability to maintain the war efforts.
433.050.000 HZ is the frequency that works best to safeguard your mind in your home against the AI threats. The enemy is not invisible once you know what happens when they hear these sounds.
The real Donald Trump died in 1999 of a gunshot wound to the left temple above his eyebrow. He was shot in Arizona before a rally when he got out of his limo to honor some vets that were standing beside a red brick wall. Nobody talks about his dent and you won't see or find any information about this. As a matter of fact, the Big Brother arm of the Military Industrial Machine wiped all evidence clean from the internet about everything related to the 1999 happening. There is no trace of Trump before the year 2000. What you do find are the original Trump casino websites and that is all.
The Big Brother Military Industrial Complex can wipe out any sauce.
You're going to die for supporting your disinformation campaign. Big Brother will die right along side of you and you won't make it into the next chapter.
Iโm going to kill you! Fucking frog supporter.
I be you are right, but I bet you know that you can't kill me either. You can gain simple satisfaction but I will find you in every lifetime thereafter.
April showers bring May flowers.
You are not a threat so therefore this is not a threat. You are a calm sociopath that supports the enemy within the Military Industrial Complex. I do not support the enemy within. You are the reason this silent war is being waged, I am just stating facts that will transpire in the future.
I am a time traveler from the past, I came here from the past, yesterday I was someone other than I am today. This is my future and today is my tomorrows yesterday.