>State of Ks has cancelled all school for the remainder of 2019-2020 school year.
Let's be honest. All they were really gonna teach kids is moar bull shit and propaganda, anyway.
It's better this way…
>State of Ks has cancelled all school for the remainder of 2019-2020 school year.
Let's be honest. All they were really gonna teach kids is moar bull shit and propaganda, anyway.
It's better this way…
>Our school district is actually pretty good. Really good in fact.
I wouldn't doubt if it's better than most. But in all honesty, there are major faults in the core foundation of our nation, and the entire world's, "education" systems. It's one fabrication after another. Just one big game of dress up with all the emperor's new clothes. At the children's expense, of course
If you only knew how bad things really are…