just like Q, and the government, always a bogey man in the server closet with scissors did it to you
your military is as corrupt as your government
when the blue line allows officers to cover for those who break the law and are to weak to reveal they are the cowards and just as guilty
our soldiers have the right to disobey an unlawful order, but they don't, they always find away to kill forefingers on soil foreign to us talking sovereignty and laws while ignoring their own
cops soldiers politicians pastors all covering horrendous crimes while getting paid to look the other way.
a cop doesn't sit on a police force for 30 years with a dirty partner and not know about it
these are the reasons they promote fraternity and an us against them mentality
just like our citizens, all to lazy, don't care enough, and don't won't to lose what they have..
this is also why they promote elders in the community, the steward of the don't question us we are above reproach
how disgusted God must be, just not enough to stop this ball on a dime and fling these turds for a ride