Anonymous ID: b6c068 March 17, 2020, 2:41 p.m. No.8453724   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3740 >>3777 >>3819 >>3834 >>3893 >>3921 >>3973 >>4046

Possible scenario?Anon Theory I posted a bunch re: the tech the other day, but in the last 48 hours it came to me with this additional information/theory. So funny, and classically ironic to think about this:

BILL and Melinda Gates made their own trap unknowingly? Guise, the theory is worth reading, DON'T TLDR THIS. THINK:


==Quantom Dots Vaccines.

Did this happen to THEM? Bill Gates Funded the research and to be used for vaccines White flipped thier script

using Gates own Quantom Dots technology. Now they are MARKED GLOWING INK and NEEDLE PATTERN that would be only for the proof of use OF What? And/OR Muhcorona or Adrenochrome?

Brilliant of Q team, if theory is correct


The same idea behind Quantum Dots vaccines that makes specific needle mark pattern, that relates to whatever the "drug is" and acts like adate stamp as well. Like branding. This however, s is seen with a light due to the ink tattoo to easily shows one has been injected. They say an iPhone light may be used to "scan the body for the evidence of vaccines and can store history.


Weird, but THINK. Quantum Dots vaccine technology was funded by Bill and Melinda Gates. Ultimatley it would be used on the public, to be used to prove we have been vaccinated by shining a light.They don't ever say this, but come on. You will see in a minute where I am going with thisThe light would be a light so easily available such as an iphone. The Quantam Dots stores info. It also uses nano-particles. The record of vaccination is beacuse of the special ink. he vaccine laves a specific mark or shape, which in part is a way of easily by eye knowing when and what what injected vaccine wise. YOU see this. HMMM?


The same may have been done to them, by them, but for the adrenochrome usage, while unaware their supply tainted by white hats?

Needle marks, dye unknown to them, now in their skin? Shows THEM as proof injecting their adrenochrome? ( or same idea, but MuhCorona virus if tht is real given disguied as Adrenochrome? Either "ingredient" they all self identified. we all are thiniking this. THE big takeaway IS GATES FUDED the Quantum Dots technology. Just to have it flipped or MIRRORED on him and thae evil cabal. They had no idea their supply had additive to trap them? Different needle patterns for different vaccines accoring to the tech.


=If White Hats did this, I am sure it was a really Q worthy pattern==


So what pattern did Q team implant if this theory is correct? hahahahahahaa

A Q would be epic

All of them Q'd. While under the light yo see it and they got caught when they show "symptoms" due to the " injection" of what ever they take (Adrenochrome?)

Now theyare MARKED by POTUS QTeam in the trap. You know the one they say is orange man bad, but today they all GLOW. hahahahahaaa

Everything we digg on and meme meme about is in this scenario. It is glorious. I hope some of you get the idea what I am trying paint the picture of.


The same ink/tattoo technique used to trap?? And was done a long time ago perhaps? So they all have self stamped themself as users over what period of time?

how many needle holes/ " self stanping/marking" on each person, different injection sites? Do they literally GLOW due to being junkies for whatever shit they use?


Articles say they tested the Quantum Dot tech on human cadavers and the ink lasted 9 months!!! Earlier articles say 5 years other say now 9 years.

Lots of time, lots of injections. Even if only 5 months. Users daily get high right? They planned on this Quantum Dot tech to social shame any of US who would not vaccinate, not marked.

They don't say that, but it is Gates and he wants us all injected with vaccines. They planned on rolling this out with muh corona and they had the plan to guilt everyone to get it with major panic. PLAN intercepted by Q team. If they were successful with the 'pandemic", all would be lining up to take it voluntarily, sheep led to the slaughter.

Now, they are the ones with a literal mark of the beast as their own needle injections left it's tracks?


Evil baby eating fucks.

holy fuq funny

if yes this theory is what occured

Think 'mirror' anyone?

Little Billy Gates is probably is feeling mighty un-smart right about coming up withthe idea and funding it all?


The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded the team's research

which was published in the journal Science Translational Medicine


contined next post:

Anonymous ID: b6c068 March 17, 2020, 2:42 p.m. No.8453740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3777 >>3819 >>3893 >>3973




From article:

According to a Scientific American story, the project came about following a direct request from Microsoft founder Bill Gates himself, who has been personally involved in efforts to eradicate polio and measles through vaccinations. The invisible "tattoo" accompanying the vaccine is a pattern made up of minuscule quantum dots - tiny semiconducting crystals that reflect light - that glows under infrared light. The pattern - and vaccine - gets delivered into the skin using hi-tech dissolvable microneedles made of a mixture of polymers and sugar. So far, the system is mostly a proof of concept. But the researchers have already tried it out on rats and found that the patterns were still detectable nine months after injection. In human cadaver skin models, the patterns outlasted five years of simulated Sun exposure.

It's possible someday that this 'invisible' approach could create new possibilities for data storage

=biosensing, and vaccine applications that could improve how medical care is provided, particularly in the developing world==

Developing World. He told us. HE means what he said. "DEVELOPING WORLD", as in their evil plan for the world that is unfolding/developing, NOT meaning third world. Get it?

THEY all probably laughed and discussed all of this evil plan on their yacht trips they all take together, and could not wait until they controlled all the sheep/cattle.


==(ummm injecting us with NANO PARTICLES? NOW THINK, ENTER 5G.

Recent events Oprah strangely falls like she was pushed? Madonna? Wendy Williams? Radio waves? Nanoparticles all due to injections and they gloe to boot!!!

particles in them unaware as they use their drug over and over?) They now light up/GLOW and the 5G weirdness used on THEM?

Remember all the military that said testing on them, people chasing them, hearing ringing in ears, voices, car chases, airport arrests? Now, same tech in white hats hands? HMMM?


Look below, they always use 33 like 33 HRC Emails.

33 Mason sick club messaging telling each other what they have planned for us by PREDICTION FROM BILL GATES

the Q team used Gates own evil plan for vaccinating us and marking us and marked them with their evil adrenochrome, and possibly 5G nano particlesQ made them taste their own medicine?==


From Article: MAY 13TH 2017

Bill Gates has been almost prophetic in his past predictions: his 1999 list was hauntingly accurate, foreseeing the advent of price comparison websites, smartphones, social media, and bots. Over the last few years, in interviews and annual letters, he has continued predicting: here are a selection of seven of his insights. 1. In the next 15 years,

33 million people could be wiped out in less than a year by a pathogen

At the Munich Security conference, Gates warned that “epidemiologists say a fast-moving airborne pathogen could kill more than 30 million people in less than a year.” This could be due to mutation, accident, or terrorist intent. While this may seem outlandish, similar events have occurred before: the most obvious example is the Black Death, which killed almost a third of Europe, but more recently, in 1918, the Spanish Flu wiped out between 50 and 100 million people.


ANONS, THINK how evil this would later prove? We never know for sure what is really in vaccines and 5G is tied to nano particles, chemtrails/solar engineering, radio engineering,

network management, radio frequency, spectrum management, etc. Remeber the leaked radio frequency paer with the human body diagram.

These nano particles would be in us and we would be agreeing to it! by millions of us lining up to take it unaware via the corona vaccine


Quantum dots are semiconductor nanoparticles with unique, size-tunable optical properties. Owing to these properties, these nanoparticles are fast emerging as versatile and multimodal agents in diagnostic imaging and drug delivery applications


oprah falls