Did they drown the kid to start the migrant push, or did they just rape him and kill him. If the former, we need confessions. If the latter, just execute all of them.
These people are SICK.
Yes, satan's minions are very easy to spot.
They congregate to satanic images.
Like yours.
And satanic messages, like don't tell people about eternal hellfire.
Like you.
Very, very, very easy to spot.
It's the frustrating thing about Q.
Things make sense in hindsight.
Like now, in 2020.
2020 hindsight.
These people are SICK!
Nice meme, too.
Yeah, the locals said the pollution and the industry and the working conditions were killing them.
So, silver lining.
Solomon needs to win all the prizes. All of them.
It's an fascinating study into the panic mentality of the mob. Everyone is buying toilet paper, so I must be missing out on why I need toilet paper, better buy toilet paper, omg no toilet paper, better camp out at the store and wait for the toilet paper to arrive, holy shit I still can't find any toilet paper.
Oh, wait, I don't need any toilet paper.
Huh. What was I so worried about toilet paper for.
Life hack: Presuppose everything in the bible is true, and everything that purports to contradict the bible is false.
Huge time saver.
Demons, demon/human hybrids, invisible enemies, hyperintelligent interdimensional alien beings, both good and bad, the works.
Whoever green lit this needs a lobotomy.
dude had a post with 3 ebot hits before I even read it
I go by evidence, and trust myself.
What would you say you go by?
There's a sickness in Scientism where models are reality, and artist's constructions are the real thing. Massive modelitis where simulations predict reality, even though they do things like state that reality is a simulation. A simulation saying that reality is a simulation is an identity, not a breakthrough.
As Tesla said, when Science, not Scientism, studies non-physical phenomenon, we will advance Science more in 10 years than in all human history.
Nostrildamus was 12% accurate, and admitted to consorting with demons of divination.
Q is neither.
is email, mail?
They say the natives of the West Indies could not "see" the ships of Columbus, because such a thing was not in their experience, at all. To them, boats were hollowed out logs, etc.
Belief precedes thought provokes action indeed.
Then heaven and hell are not that different either.
When I come across satanic gibberish, I just call it satanic gibberish and move on.
You can stew in it, if you'd like.
A muslim fervently believing in allah and defending the text of the quran to the death has an eternity of hellfire to look forward to as wages for his sin.
They thought they'd be pushing this against Trump in a mighty headwind.
Only to find Trump pushing it even harder, in the same direction, giving it a mighty tailwind.
Moves and countermoves.
Our guys are better.
Thank you Q, and Q+.
No, and never again.
It is the only country that matters.
The only country that has the throne of David, upon which Jesus will sit, and rule the nations.
We're just part of "the nations".
It matters how Jesus judges us, as a nation.
It matters, eternally.
LifeHack101: Believe in God, because God knows everything, and you do not.
If you can't make it to LifeHack 101, you can't survive.
If email is mail, then ebot is bot.
Did you take the SAT?
It's called logic, and reasoning.
You should try it sometime.
Senate passes 77-day FISA surveillance stopgap
House will need to clear the stopgap bill
Senators passed Monday a 77-day extension of surveillance authorities that lapsed over the weekend.
The passage of a bill by voice vote that would revive and extend surveillance powers — including those under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act — until the end of May gives lawmakers breathing room to debate surveillance and privacy issues after the immediate threat of the COVID-19 pandemic has subsided.
The House will need to act on the extension measure; it could do so during a pro forma session.
As part of the agreement to pass the extension, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., announced an agreement for a limited debate on three amendments, at a time to be determined later, on House-passed intelligence surveillance overhaul legislation.
The extension bill revives the availability of Section 215 orders that allow for the collection of business and other records of individuals through the FISA court and a roving wiretap provision that permits the government to get orders targeting people who frequently change phone lines or use burner devices to avoid traditional wiretaps on individual lines.
Oh, I swear by it.
Kevin Durant: "I am sick."
Did you know that God made eternal promises and covenants with Israel, and God is the judge of Israel?
Not you?
Do you know what the Troubles of Jacob are?
Do you know why people like you never managed to kill all the Jews?
Hint: It wasn't for a lack of trying.
Do you know which archangel stands guard over Israel?
Hint: Michael.
Do you know how many things you use every day that had something to do with the Jews creating it, inventing it, manufacturing it, or distributing it to you?
Why not divest yourself of everything?
Let's see.
15 days left in March
30 days in April
45 days
Leaving 32 days
So, June 1, 2020, FISAGATE is coming soon to a theater near you.
I don't, actually.
I just tell Anons like you, who lack spiritual discernment, that what they're being offered is
satanic gibberish
Hmmm, on skull & bones day
We're not there yet.
We're still in Ezekiel 37, where the Dry Bones have stood up in the desert, re-animated the nation of Israel, put on muscle, blood/life, skin/borders, etc., and are waiting for the Spirit.
Then the Ezekiel 38 battle, after all of God's children will be called up to the Wedding Feast of the Lamb.
I would like all Anons to be there.
It's pre-paid, and all you have to do, is believe the truth.
Jesus really is God.
Jesus really did rise from the dead on the third day, after dying to pay the sin debt of humanity.
Simple as.
check'd and harmonized