Anonymous ID: 7d695c March 17, 2020, 4:18 p.m. No.8454947   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5154

Guise? I've been snooping around on da Twatter, and I've noticed a couple of things.


For one, John O. Muslim Brennan has not twatted, still, since March 2nd. Is he "self-quarantined" in some GITMO cell, getting his ass whooped by his cellmate? I hope so.


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In other news, I noticed that the last thing Howdy Doody Comey twatted was this weird RT of Yashir Ali's.


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I cannot wait for the takedown of these traitorous fucking psychos.


Meanwhile, I'm comfy AF, self-quarantined with all my metal protectors, which I lawfully own under the Second Amendment, and all my guard dogs, cameras, alarms, rolling pins, frying pans, and toilet paper.


Thank you all for everything, and GO, Q, GO!

Anonymous ID: 7d695c March 17, 2020, 4:31 p.m. No.8455106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5122 >>5461

Lyle Waggoner of Carol Burnett Show Dies at 84


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He sure was a handsome guy. I had a wicked big crush on him when I was little. I've got to wonder if every single one of the successful Hollywood "stars" had to partake in the Satanic stuff? I think it would crush me to learn that the cast and crew of Carol Burnett were into this awful Satanic shit, but since we know it's been going on for hundreds of years, I can't help but conclude that, yeah, they probably all sold their souls to be Hollywood stars.


Imagine if we find out that Betty White took part? I kind of think she had to have done so. I think that's the secret to her longevity.

I think the reality "stars" sold out in the same way as the movie people. For example there's a rumor that Real Housewife of Beverly Hills "star" Lisa Vanderpump had her brother whacked, when he was JUSTTHISCLOSE to spilling some family secrets about her. Within a year of his "overdose" (and the guy had no publicly known history of drug problems), Lisa Vanderpump got the break of her life: a brand new restaurant on the Vegas Strip. Payoff? Sacrifice? Illuminati quid pro quo?


I cannot wait until we find out the truth about all of them.