nothin' like the taste of warm copper on a summer morn'
Everything in the universe has been running down since the universe began.
There is no evidence for a magnetic pole swap.
It's just a comfy lie "don't worry, Anon, the poles swap out every 10,000 years or so, nothing to worry about."
While they panic.
Because the earth's magnetic field is seriously decaying.
Hence the rush to the poles, where it is the strongest.
That's what I thought, but then I thought maybe a part of a costume, like a Mickey Mouse costume maybe?
Maybe it's time you looked at people who prioritized fun their entire lives, Anon, and see how they're doing now.
lurk harder
I look foward to W's.
Then you get to pick that the universe is eternal.
Hey, good luck not noticing you're not in heat death.
Scientifically recognized that c12 dating labeled a living deer 15,000 years old.
You are entitled to your beliefs.
Excellent catch!
Most US troops for Defender-Europe 20 already in Europe - US ambassador
Most of the 20,000 American soldiers and their equipment scheduled to come to Europe as part of the Defender-Europe 20 military exercise are already here, US Ambassador to Poland Georgette Mosbacher said in an interview with the Wprost weekly published Monday.
Asked whether the coronavirus situation in Europe was hampering the planned exercises, Mosbacher replied that she had recently been in Drawsko Pomorskie, north-western Poland, and though she did not want to foretell the future, most of the troops were already in Europe.
The ambassador went on to say that Defender-Europe 20 is a complicated operation and extremely costly to the American taxpayer and that it showed how untrue accusations were that the US only looked after its own interests and would not be here if Poland was not buying American defence equipment.
She said such claims really irritated her and asked rhetorically whether sending sons and daughters across the ocean prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice was really something that could be bought. She said there was no US president that would put soldiers' fates up for sale, and yet she constantly hears doubts as to whether the US is still engaged in NATO and in helping its allies.
Mosbacher highlighted that the manoeuvres are taking place in Poland, not in the USA, yet she said she still hears criticisms, for example when the Polish government decided to buy American F-35 jets.—us-ambassador-11200
It seems as though the algorithms that suppressed certain things have been disabled.
The Images on a Rachel Chandler search are truly incredible.
Meanwhile, to no fanfare whatsoever, ten people per hour die of influenza in the USA.
Don't know why there are 4 hops, but say they have a FISA on me, and I email you, now both of us are under surveillance. You email your mom, she's now under surveillance. And your mom emails your aunt, who they actually wanted in the first place, and she's the target, now under surveillance, because of me>you>your mom>your aunt
It's just Favre 2.0, and it's just as sad.
I think these are important .
I think with 4 hops, you could spy on the world.