Naturally highlighting how the msdnc media has broadly cast a rascist show over our great Afro-American // American-Afro Surgeon General Jerome Adams – who is kicking ass by showing how well of a response is on hand!!
Naturally highlighting how the msdnc media has broadly cast a rascist show over our great Afro-American // American-Afro Surgeon General Jerome Adams – who is kicking ass by showing how well of a response is on hand!!
NIGGER kunt hat wearing dumas slithering servant paulie bigot to no a-hole ryan better have our LADIES on TV tonite
we want sum real meeoooOOOWWW!!
tink there gonna bust out the cone of silence next on msnbc = msdnc
going full extreme measures w future vp or sumting biden admin with williams–maddcow muhflunkies