>>8453969 pb
Hanx is in a fuking hospital room! LQQK!
>>8453969 pb
Hanx is in a fuking hospital room! LQQK!
>what's that, an apron?
No! LQQK at that room! It's a fuking hospital room!
Bet it's some kind of lead apron for xray techs. Just like the one muh dentist uses.
It's a lead apron for xray techs. Hanx is in a hospital room.
>With a typewriter?
COMMS That's all the typewriter is for.
With all his money, he could hire a traveling circus to come to his room ffs. LQQK at the room!! It's a hospital room!
>[they] are obsessed with WORDS
All about the SPELL-ings
That's why they teach our kids early about proper SPELLings. So they too can begin practicing SPELLS.