Self-aggranizing Fish Lip flapping Jewish narcissist I-learned -Krav-Maga MOSSAD shill wannabe glory hole.
Self-aggranizing Fish Lip flapping Jewish narcissist I-learned -Krav-Maga MOSSAD shill wannabe glory hole.
Deathbed Confession ReWrites WWII History
Ben Fulford 3/16,20
A statement from an old Intelligence man on his deathbed. I wrote it down as he dictated.
Lord Rothschild sent his five sons to the world’s capitals to instigate wars and then loan the money to carry them out.
Before a world war, the banks claw back every penny to then lend out at profit in the conflict.The 1917 Russian revolution is sometimes called the Jewish revolution because the Jews used communism to seize the country and the Czar’s huge monetary assets in the London and Paris banks.
The remit of Communism was to take the wealth of the people, rich and poor, and consolidate it in the hands of a very few called the elite, but done in such a way that the people thought it was being done for them.
Russia was robbed and thousands of churches were pillaged and burned, and millions of Christians murdered.
Rothschild then concentrated on Britain, clawing out the money where the Jarrow hunger marches were in protest over those dying of starvation. Lord Rothschild told his homosexual apostles that a communist government was coming to Britain, and he predicted it by the year 2000. He told them it may not be called that but that is what it would be.
Germany under Adolf Hitler broke free of the International Bank scammers and declared its own currency and the amazing success of this made the bankers worry as other countries could follow suit, & many in England wanted to adopt the German economic system.
Charles Lindberg wanted to introduce it to the USA. Lindberg was a hot favorite to run for political office, but the Jews took his baby son and in a Passover sacrifice of Rosh-Chodesh on March 1st ritually murdered the child.
Lindberg had to retire from the election race, and a halfwit German national was charged with the crime and executed.
New York and London became the main areas of the Jewish rebellion against the Germans who dared to throw out the Jewish bankers. Jewish led newspapers joined Hollywood and the BBC in issuing hate propaganda to initiate a war on Germany. This despite Neville Chamberlain’s four-year secret study into the aims and directives of the Third Reich, showing Germany had no intentions toward Britain, only to stop the constant threat of the Soviet communists.
Lord Rothschild from around 1933, but in particular in 1936, had Bulletins read out in every Synagogue across the UK saying Jewish people prepare for War, get into any manufacturing concern that will accommodate this.
>Herbert Morrison (Peter Mandelson’s grandfather) was posted by Winston Churchill as Home Office Procurement Minister who made sure all MOD contracts went to fellow Jews.
Jews were told especially from 1936 to buy up any small manufacturing concerns like making boots helmets shell cases uniforms weaponry etc. as War was coming.
They always ordered almost double the material needed and some of these Jewish firms found themselves very rich by the war’s end. These Jews would bribe Members of Parliament to demand the Government order more uniforms, more Hillman staff cars, more rifles or more army shirts or whatever the Jewish owner wanted to sell more of.
It was only after the war when huge stocks of Army Surplus took 25 years to sell off that the penny dropped that the Jews had robbed the British people again.
I myself saw an East End button making firm’s wartime books, they made buttons for military tunics, and the profits were astronomical. Some firms were using sheets of non-ferrous metal, from wartime orders into the early 1960s.
One firm had a contract to make so many million gas masks, and to complete that contract were still making them in 1968; they all lay rotting in a leaky warehouse.
This is why Jews were called ‘war profiteers’ and what they gained in this way, be it food for workers or whatever, was often sold for cash. And this was why Jews were called the ‘black marketeers.’
Churchill’s bodyguard Walter Thompson said Marks and Spencers dealt with all MOD food supplies, and Burton tailoring made all the uniforms and demob suits. Monetary kickbacks went to Herbert Morrison, Winston Churchill, and Lord Lendeman.
Winston Churchill and Lord Rothschild spoke to the King’s doctor Bertrand Dawson who gave the King a fatal dose of morphine.
King Edward VIII we are told had to abdicate to marry Wallace Simpson. This is a lie. He was forced out by Churchill because he kept trying to make peace with Germany.Neville Chamberlain, listed as the most popular Prime Minister ever and one who wanted to keep Britain out of the war, died mysteriously in November 1940. His death certificate said, ‘causes unspecified.’ read more: