1st started on punched cards, then progressed to 3/4" magnetic tape, then the 11" floppy disk.
And can't forget are removable hard drives.
1st started on punched cards, then progressed to 3/4" magnetic tape, then the 11" floppy disk.
And can't forget are removable hard drives.
This is Boomer. My 1st 'IT" job.
Had a friend in 1988, who owned a print shop. He upgraded to the 386 and added 4MB of Ram for $1000/MG.
This was my perspective.
Looks like the newfags and shills will be getting a 15 day history lesson. Since we are all holed up, might as well eduacate the youngens.
don't start that, we went thru months of "So it begins" memes.
As old as "Don't tase me bro"
In truth, I hope Trump's 'body count' will be 2-3 orders of magnitude greater than the Hildabeast.
Nice to have you aboard anon. W/o the shills, the bread is pretty sweet tonight.