attention veterans trying to kill yourself
do your country a real service and dispatch these globalists please, instead of the peons you kill for this government theirs lots of targets like BG and all he surrounds himself with. Anyone he meets with behind closed doors could be on the list
anons could provide brainstorm a list of top targets
their are 20+ veterans a day killing themselves, that's 20+ globalists a day that could be removed from the threat they cause everyday Americans
until they pay a price nothing is going to change, any change will be temporary, and and your freedoms will disappear forever
thanks veterans, KYS and leave everybody including your family worse off, a tool of the DS alienating good men from our armed services so these current fat fuck lazy motherfuckers go in and love globalist agenda free shit, good thing all they have to do is push buttons and play video games, look at the air force and army, puke looks like a 3rd world country
if armed forces have to lessen physical requirements to get recruits what more do you need to know
you waited to long, and your republic is lost, the american military has essentially been the worlds foremost mercenary force for hire to implement the globalist agenda and deliver the OWO
how are we to trust them when they blindly follow illegal orders and refuse to exercise their oath?
if american heroes are so weak what does that say about the rest of us?