Good job, warrior.
>Destroying you county's economy over a flu bug is not some fucking 4D chess
That's true.
Defending your country from the effects of the virus while cutting off traitor assets at the same time, however, ''is'' 4D chess.
Good day.
Have you not seen the large group of industry leaders with Trump at every presser?
Are you not entertained? I said good day!
I have not seen any anon say this out loud, but:
Has anyone cross referenced the "resignations in the news" of deep state assets that left companies, with the companies that have gone on record as being part of the national emergency effort?
Because I would bet ~~FRNs~~ real money that many of these various resignations took place, ''so that this concerted and unified emergency effort the White House is spearheading could even take place.''
Trump can and did choose which industry leaders to work with. Those leaders represent the ~~people~~ corporations we're talking about.
Whatver happens inside those ~~people~~ corporations, is a personal problem. ;p