Can only hope! Nice if silver follows too! I've got a tiny stash f both so I'm never going to be super wealthy but comfy would suit me just fine!
Sauce please?
>>8460983 From here, it's a modulation method not a frequency. Here's a link I found: It looks like most countries are not going to go higher than the C-band satellite frequency, around 5GHz. The us looks like it might be going to have some in the K-band.From th link, it looks like the old GSM & 3G frequencies are just going to be reused?
YIKES! What were you exposed to?!
Here's a table I found converting Tesla to various other units. Most Base stations are a maximum of 3000micro Watt/ sq metre, that's a little more than 100 micro Tesla; see Pic related & this link:
Link to the table: