Anonymous ID: 21e0ca March 18, 2020, 8:55 a.m. No.8463117   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3143 >>3214


Secrecy is Repugnant.


It's true that many Alchemical schools of teachings went underground (Occult) because of the totalitarian impulse to wipe them out. The persecution and desire to maintain a theological monopoly by Catholic and various other Religions across time, led to the secret societies gaining power. Just like gangs and cartels profit off of drug & alcohol prohibition because they are the ones that think and act outside of the framework of laws.


I think you gotta be really weak-minded to think submitting yourself to the hierarchy of a Hermetic order (Masonry, OTO, Golden Dawn, OES, etc.(College Frats too)) will lead you up the ladder of enlightenment. All of the symbols and teachings are LARP decorations. They are shiny buttons, promising you that the order holds vast, complex, and profound secrets that you might eventually unlock after decades of yearly membership fees and playing ball. In reality, none of the Masons know what any of the symbols really mean. Secret societies are pyramid schemes, the highest ranking faggots always pulling strings without their subordinates knowing the whole picture. If you join a society because you think material empowerment/enlightenment & transcendence can come to you through extrinsic means, then you're gonna be disappointed.