Anonymous ID: b21e41 March 18, 2020, 1:45 p.m. No.8466603   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6631 >>6650 >>6678 >>6693 >>6719 >>6734 >>6752 >>6763 >>6765 >>6780 >>6796

Are all of you so blind that you can’t see or understand what is really taking place? You were warned long ago of things to come but you chose not to listen. You are witnessing the beginning stages of their plan. Continue to block, filter, ignore us at your own risk, otherwise continue to listen for coming events. This virus IS weaponized. You are not being told the truth as to how this virus works or how dangerous it is. This virus was created stateside. There’s a reason doctors are using anti-retroviral drugs to treat those infected. For years the elites have been preparing, not just for themselves, but preparing you. This will make more sense in the months to come. You were given insight to their operation this whole time and didn’t know. This board has been used for those involved to communicate to one another through covert means. If you look closely, you will be make this distinct connection through key events that have taken place, when they have taken place, and how they correspond to key words, phrases and pictures. Many of us have been trying to warn you as best we could without jeopardizing the safety of our families and our safety. How do we know what is taking place? Well, to some extent many of us have been a part of these operations, but not by choice. We’ve been unable to be as direct as we wanted to be for numerous reasons. This board, along with other social media sites have been used to initiated major operations. Key operative phrases, words, and pictures are used to structure and relay go/no go comms. No one on this board is anonymous and your IPs are being recorded even if you think you are protected by proxies. Many on this board are specifically planted here to distract, persuade, and mislead from the real truth.


What you should know:


You were all being sprayed for years to introduce an “initiator.” The initiator was designed to perform many objectives. One of those objectives is to resynthesize certain chemical properties in the body in preparation for this virus. Everyone will get this virus. No one, not even those at the top will evade this because it was intended this way. How it affects you will vary. Almost everyone will not see any symptoms or a negative impact whatsoever. There are several facets to this virus; attack elderly, attack chronic conditions, infect all, and deliver it’s payload. This virus is not just airborne. There are other transmission routes. Once the virus has infected, because of the “Initiator,” it will perform an insertional mutation within your DNA, and it’s because of this mutation that you should really be concerned. Aids/malaria were in fact precursors to the design of virus. This will all play a big part in combination with 5G and with the “initiator” that is within everyone. As for what the initiator is, what I can say is that it’s a nanoparticle. We can’t be more specific than this.


To come you will see:

850 Billion dollars going towards bailout. Companies are forecasting heavy losses which will impact the economy – all a lie. This is seed money. Not truly intended for civilians (think bonuses).

Those stepping down are doing it because of key players stepping in to continue certain operations. Those stepping down still have a major role in the background. Stepping down also provides them protection should anything go wrong; this relates to their assets

Trump is working with them. I know many here don’t want to hear this.

The economy will be impacted. This is by design. This will eventually bring about a new world system. This system will utilize some sort of blockchain backbone.

Food limits will become a regular thing to create fear in the public. A digital ID will be forced upon the people to “mitigate” this issue. It will eventually become law.

You will be forced to receive vaccinations. The mortality rate will be the persuasion. Prevention will be excuse.

This vaccination is just another key factor in the process.


We’ve given you enough for now.


Which countries loaded up on precious metals in the last 5-7 years? This is important to know.

Anonymous ID: b21e41 March 18, 2020, 2:02 p.m. No.8466798   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The point being is that, as a whole, we need to act now. Bringing public awareness to the true operation. Do we believe we can't stop this? No, unfortunately not, but together we can impact and delay things until we can best figure out how to deal with all of this in an effective way. This is the primary reason why most of us won't do anything at this point. We don't know who we can and can't trust. We don't know who we can inform directly. We are in fear of exposing ourselves to the real enemies, and there are many at every level. It's part of the reason why many of us still follow orders.

Anonymous ID: b21e41 March 18, 2020, 2:08 p.m. No.8466840   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Like I said, we don't have much of a choice when the lives of our loved ones or our lives are on the line. We do as we are told and we don't break the chain of command mainly because we don't know who feels the same or who can or can't be trusted.

Anonymous ID: b21e41 March 18, 2020, 2:22 p.m. No.8466978   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7105 >>7154


It's understandable that many will doubt and believe what they want. As stated, this is by design and it's highly effective. COINTELPRO has long been in effect for all types of needs and what goes on here is just a perfect example, so it's very understandable why even we can be looked at as the enemy. Now does it make perfect sense why an operation of this magnitude would work so well on a board that provides anonymity at the surface? It will make it that more harder to tell who can and can’t be trusted. We are not the enemy. Whether you can believe that or not is up to you. We love our country and serve with pride but that doesn't mean that we don't fear for our loved ones, and fear repercussions and what could happen to them should we resist and disobey.

Anonymous ID: b21e41 March 18, 2020, 2:32 p.m. No.8467070   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7093

Can it not be even more clear:


February 2019 – potus promotes AI development and advancement -

May 2019 first wave starlink satellites launched.

April 2019 Potus and FCC announce several initiatives to promote/advance 5G growth and even lower regulations -

June 2019 Potus signs bill to scale back regulations of GMO -

August 2019 trump supports advancement of Quantum computing and signs EO -

September 2019 Potus promotes vaccines -

October 2019 Google reaches Quantum supremacy – this is a key event.

October 2019 Event 201 takes place with Bill Gates

Viral spread, by all accounts, starts in November 2019.

October 2019 - Robert E. Lighthizer, and Steven Mnuchin meet with Liu He from china. The true incubation period of the virus is reported as being ~24 days. Now do you understand?

Late November 2019 – china sees 4 viral cases that cant be explained other than it’s “sars like” It begins to spread but they don’t inform the public.

December 2019 – china reports it’s first case in wuhan

February 2020 – potus signs EO for space national space council -

February 2020 – potus signs EO to improve, and scale up space-based systems, technology and infrastructure, especially for communications infrastructure and mobile devices, geolocation.