Anonymous ID: 0a658e March 18, 2020, 2:54 p.m. No.8467263   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tutorial 1

The master is not me, in my flesh, in my state of physicality, I am weak. The master is above me in every way shape and form. Above is more real than below, the below is nothing more than a reflection of the above. If you can walk on water than you have lost all sense of doubt that this world is nothing more than a state of being semidetached.

Anonymous ID: 0a658e March 18, 2020, 2:56 p.m. No.8467285   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tutorial 2

You are not my friends, you care nothing about me, there is more selfishness in you on here when you form opinions and shape reality the way you so choose than any true friend would do. A true friend wants nothing from you. A true friend wants only to uplift you and put you first before his/her self. If you are not my friend and you want to punish me an suppress me and ridicule me, than you are my enemy which, is the way it is.

Anonymous ID: 0a658e March 18, 2020, 3:01 p.m. No.8467328   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tutorial 3

I see a lot of you talking, jaw jacking, lipflapsmack shit face bwalking, you don't even know what the plan is yet you spew trash like you're Hawking. Call me a fag, call me a drag, call me a dippshit pootard moron and slag, I see you walking but not much more than a thott. I see you squirming wondering what the fuck is this heat, it's fucking hot. No, you don't know what is hot, you don't know where Tartarus is and you don't know what the pit means. You punk fuck shit suck lost fallen asshole lot. The plan was never made public, the plan was never spoken in kind, the plan was drawn on a map and shown 1 second each time. Over and over it was done this way, but He only said wait and wait for you is dismay.

Anonymous ID: 0a658e March 18, 2020, 3:07 p.m. No.8467386   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tutorial 4

I told you ti was not a weapon, I told you not to use it like that, I said, 3600 and that is how it got wet. Then you remade it, then you betrayed it, then you vacated it, played pump and dump and Truncated it. Now when you see the true you do what you do, you speak horrible things and say horrible names, and you poke your head out like turtles because your shell is think like the Thames. I said be like Catherine and deliver a powerful message with little to no meaning but tons of impressions. Everything that is said has 5 to 10 meanings and those are the expressions for those that are reading.