You are headed in the right direction, anon. I'm 72 and been traveling my path since I was 33. You won't be disapointed, just be careful of whom you follow. Many charlatans on this path!
I'm considered the crazy old uncle in my family. Curious thing though, some of my nieces and nephews are beginning to question the MSM drivel. Bout time! As for getting to know God, you already do know God. You've simply been trained to forget by the schooling and 'training' from parents and other well meaning adults. You'll find God inside of you, not outside of you. Everything outside is but the manifestation of God. Learn to meditate. Check out - It may resonate with you.
Among the things found in 23 chambers there was an optical disc with music and philosophy encoded on it. There is a 24th chamber, it was located in the floor of the 23rd chamber. Give the music a try. I use it for meditation purposes, and for backdrop music as well. It sounds contemporary, yet it has an ethereal 'feel' to it. Enjoy your day, anon. I'm off to take a drive in my convert. These are rare weather days here in the Columbia Basin.