Does he discuss Arkancide?
>Truckeranon, you were asking for help.
POTUS has suspended HoS rules for truckers.
However, there's a problem.
Unless you're completely independent, companies are not allowing truckers to take advantage of the new rules.
While no one is saying why, this anon strongly suspects that various insurance policies businesses have require the trucker strictly adhere to HoS rules, or claim coverage is denied.
Flat out evenly distributed chance spread across the US is 0.00214%.
Of course, that's meaningless
So, CA has 200 cases and 39.56MM people, which is a 0.00051% chance.
Assuming it was contracted in CA, or US, the odds are trivial. Unfortunately, once one contracts it, the people you work with, live near, and socialize with, have several orders of magnitude greater chance of contracting it.
Which means that, once it entered Hanx community, his odds of contracting shot through the roof.
>A weak joke about it's a corona, but bringing a heavy typewriter to Aus makes zero sense.
There also heavy, and Hanx typewriter is in museum condition. Even though he flies private, seems stupid to risk damage to it, just to look at it.
>Imagine taking a law course named 'Criminal Procedure' and Hillary Clinton shows up as your professor?
I dunno, depends on if I wanted to kill someone or not, I suppose.