Anonymous ID: 70d7b2 March 18, 2020, 4:20 p.m. No.8468208   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8263 >>8315

Am lucky that spouseanon and I both know how to cook from scratch, nothing fancy, but neither of us got to this point until we were over 40. Both grew up with "country" grandmothers and mothers, so we picked up much from them, as far as how to cook meats so they wouldn't be tough, how to cook vegetables so they wouldn't be mushy, how to make a couple of basic breads, what basic seasonings to add to things. Our families continued having "victory gardens" their entire lives after the Depression and WWII.


Little concerned about people who didn't pick up food prep basics before.

There are plenty of country mamas (from almost every country, too) on YouTube who will guide you through it.

The Italian grandma series is a treasure.


Everybody take care out there.