>>8467896 lb
>Q is the word of God.
This is stupid.
The Bible is the word of God .. trust no man, trust only in God.
You're an idiot.
>>8467896 lb
>Q is the word of God.
This is stupid.
The Bible is the word of God .. trust no man, trust only in God.
You're an idiot.
Imagine taking a law course named 'Criminal Procedure' and Hillary Clinton shows up as your professor?
If you think that 154,000 assholes are going to be rounded up for trial in the midst of this bat flu crisis, then you really are the definition of Qtard.
Dumbest, most ignorant thing I've ever heard.
You need to gather at least 300,000 LEOs and assign them warrants to execute in order to arrest 154,000 assholes .. and that's if everything goes perfectly and nobody puts up a fight (highly unlikely)..
Not gonna happen anytime soon.
Fucking use your heads anons.
>It's not just the media, all the Billions that POTUS is releasing and making Libtards so happy they saying nice things about him. Something is VERY VERY VERY wrong.
>Something is VERY VERY VERY wrong.
Completely agree with this anon.
Trump is falling into the marxist trap. SMH.
Yep. I figured there was at least one idiot who lacks critical thinking skills.
Do you even know the logistics of serving one arrest warrant? Obviously not.
Great job anon .. you win Qtard of the day!
>no shit anon i was backing u up โฆ
Yes. I know.
I thought I would expand on it with some real-world detail.
Thanks anon!
โ Please accept these bewbs with my apology.
>A shutdown of the system would stop or delay new gun sales.
Thanks Billy Bagpipes.
But, it's not like we didn't see it coming from the fatass gun grabber โฆ.
Never waste an opportunity, right Billy?
Gun Rights Groups: We Object to William Barr Being Confirmed as AG
>Trump is exposing the population to how life would be under socialismโฆ
You are an idiot to think that Trump would tank the economy to teach a lesson that everyone with a brain already knows.
Listen to yourself .. you really are a fucking idiot to think that Trump would do something so stupid, irresponsible, and unnecessary.
Within 2 weeks, a LOT of pent-up Italian babes are gonna be bangin like monkeys!
Fuck .. I'd love to be locked in there โฆ.
Not one thing that you wrote makes sense .. becasue it's not something a leader like Trump would take a chance on .. unless you think Trump is irresponsible with American lives, wealth, and its economic future.
But, I think you are just a dumb, non-thinking child. .. you should leave this larp .. it's frying your remaining brain cell.
If I get the bat flu, I'm heading straight for the Whole Foods and gonna spend all day fixing myself a salad.
Then I'm going to Starbucks for a day of covfefe.
Then it's off to Planned Parenthood for a week.
Gonna git some โฆ
That's it, then.
The communists' investigation has found no proof that they are responsible for the bat flu.
Time to look elsewehrer, anons.