America can be in a fullblown Apocalypse in only three days.
While million of service-industry Americans lose their jobs due to Coronavirus, the county hasn’t fallen into a Mad Max apocalypse yet because millions of truck drivers are still delivering food and supplies in short supply around the country.
Store shelves empty of bleach and toilet paper are alarming, but they’re stripped bare because people are buying far more than normal, not because they aren’t getting restocked.
In fact, thanks to truck drivers pressing on to deliver high-demand items, stores are getting restocked, it’s just that they’re getting stripped bare of sanitary items in a day, and it takes a few days to restock.
Stores such as Costco that have limited one or two items per customer are no longer running out of as many items.
And as traffic has declined as more people work remotely, 18 wheelers are often the lone vehicles for long stretches of the highway.