Amazing G.R.A.C.E. – how to build a DS D.U.M.B. Tgt db for earth]Q[uaking ops
w/ all the earthquakes, anon's been wondering how WH's know where to target secret DS DUMBs.
Maybe continuous global gravity mapping? Enter NASA's Gravity Recovery & Climate Experiment (GRACE).
Twin space crafts launched 17 March 2002 (reminds of 17 March 2020)
US partnered w/ Germany, spoopy JPL involved
Seems to have been used for muh climate change / ice caps are melting narrative. Wonder if it wasn't built for this purpose, but data 'repurposed' by WH's
Speculate that instruments / data either sensitive enough to detect DUMBs via changes to gravitational maps over time, minute anomalies, or perhaps changes in groundwater as proxy for DUMB activity / presence
GRACE far exceeded its 5-year design lifespan, operating for 15 years until the decommissioning of GRACE-2 on 27 October 2017 (27 = Masonic 3x3x3, 20 – 17/Q ?). Its successor, GRACE-FO (follow-on), was successfully launched on 22 May 2018.
In 2019, a glacier in West Antarctica was named after the GRACE mission.
monthly gravity anomalies maps generated by GRACE are up to 1,000 times more accurate than previous maps