Reposting graphic for convenience, not mine.
Anon who made the graphic was NOT claiming to have found a new Q proof.
Anons who aren't newfags REMEMBER when Q posted that and REMEMBER that many anons were calling it a Q proof. Whether that is accurate or not is not even the issue, nor did the poster claim that.
The poster claimed to have ID'ed the pic, and that certainly seems relevant, since we are coming up on the date of the pic, Mar 22, and the post mentions "Something BIG".
Q clearly REPLIED to the pic, and if the pic has the date Mar 22, then Q may be MARKING that as a date for SOMETHING BIG.
That is most definitely notable, and it doesn't hinge on whether the Q post is "revealing inside info". And it doesn't hinge on whether Scavino is Q as the graphic suggests. There is certainly much evidence for that and the graphic maker accepts that and used that supposition to make the graphic clean.
There is nothing controversial here if people PAY ATTENTION to what is actually being said.
Also, we do know that Q sometimes posts in disguise and correlations between posts can reveal that. Maybe you are Q just trying to piss me off so I explain this stuff for newfags?