Anonymous ID: 9bbc81 March 18, 2020, 8:29 p.m. No.8471105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1567

These people are evil, isn’t that the group that did the IOWA voting app? What will happen when people receive $2,000


Dark Money Progressive Groups Spending Millions to Politicize Coronavirus, Spread Fear


Millions of Americans across the country are, day by day, adjusting their lives to better cope with the economic, social, and political impacts caused by the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, as a dark money network simultaneously works overtime to further politicize the festering crisis.


A Democrat-aligned Super PAC announced on Tuesday that it will spend $5 million on negative ads targeting President Trump’s response to the coronavirus.


“The campaign from Pacronym — a political action committee affiliated with the nonprofit group Acronym — represents the first major pivot to coronavirus-related advertising fewer than 250 days from the election,” the Washington Post reported on Tuesday.


Acronym owns the technology firm Shadow, Inc., which was responsible for developing the infamous app used in the chaotic Iowa caucuses. Notably, the firm’s founder and CEO, Tara McGowan, “worked for Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign and previously served as the digital director for NextGen America, a progressive organization founded by presidential candidate Tom Steyer,” as RealClearPolitics noted.


Acronym is funded by the “liberal dark money group” New Venture Fund, which is “part of a larger group called Arabella Advisors, which provides philanthropic guidance and manages four nonprofits,” according to the nonpartisan ethics watchdog group Americans for Public Trust. Those also include the Sixteen Thirty Fund, Windward Fund, and Hopewell Fund.


The financial web, however, goes far beyond those connections. The political group American Bridge, which was founded by David Brock — a close ally of the Clintons and founder of Media Matters for America — is also involved in the overarching efforts to spread misinformation on President Trump’s response to the coronavirus and further politicize the crisis.


“American Bridge’s network of nonprofits received funding in 2018 from New Venture Fund, as well as another Arabella group called Sixteen Thirty Fund,” Americans for Public Trust reports.


The Post notes that American Bridge has been running political advertisements on Trump’s response to the crisis in key swing states — Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. According to the Post, the group signaled that more was coming, including an ad focusing on “‘Trump’s incompetence,’ including ‘clips of Trump himself downplaying the crisis.'”


“Our job is to hold Donald Trump accountable, and we have no plans to let up, particularly with a focus on economic issues as we’ve done to date,” American Bridge President Bradley Beychok said, according to the outlet.


He added that the group is “not going to give him [Trump] a pass for bungling the government’s response to this pandemic.”


Adam Laxalt, former Attorney General of Nevada and Outside Counsel to Americans for Public Trust, blasted the progressive groups’ dark money efforts to instill fear in the midst of the pandemic to score “cheap political points.” He said:

Anonymous ID: 9bbc81 March 18, 2020, 8:35 p.m. No.8471180   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1198

total asshole mocks Flotus and he thinks it’s funny


Frequent CNN guest Rick Wilson mocks Melania Trump to '#BeInfected' with coronavirus


The White House announced on Wednesday that the first lady, along with several members of the coronavirus task force will be appearing in a series of public service announcements to address the important ways Americans can protect themselves and those most at risk" of being exposed to the virus.


In reaction to a report, however, Wilson had some fun at Trump's expense, mocking her #BeBest initiative meant to combat cyberbullying.


"#BeInfected," the frequent CNN and MSNBC guest told the first lady.


That tweet sparked plenty of backlash on social media.


"Some really shameful stuff here, @TheRickWilson," Washington Examiner reporter Jerry Dunleavy told the pundit.


"This is garbage, and you are a grown ass adult who should know better," The Daily Wire's Jessica Fletcher said.


"@TheRickWilson you're a disgusting creep," former CNN contributor Steve Cortes reacted.


"What is wrong with you?" GOP spokesperson Elizabeth Harrington asked.


"This is the most insidious & hateful rhetoric of anyone who exists in political punditry. Rick Wilson is wishing Coronavirus on Melania Trump. It doesn’t matter if the wish is aimed at a First Lady, or a doctor, a teacher, a policewoman. It is despicable. He deserves no platform," The Hill's Joe Concha said.

Anonymous ID: 9bbc81 March 18, 2020, 8:43 p.m. No.8471269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1313 >>1315 >>1481 >>1565 >>1792 >>1818

Anons this is funny Cornyn says they eat bats, snakes and dogs and things like this. He’s probably gonna get backlash not from Asians but from sensitive freaks


Senator Cornyn on Chinese Virus: 'That's Where It Came From


The media has been doing nothing to abate the full-blown panic that is sweeping across the entire country. The Wuhan coronavirus is a real threat and it will claim an untold number of lives, but somehow the media still has plenty of time to accuse the president of being a racist. Reporters are upset that President Trump is correctly identifying the origin of the global pandemic that has brought America's way of life and its economy to its knees. When asked about his thoughts on the president's use of the phrase "Chinese virus," Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) said the president was right to hold China accountable for introducing COVID-19 to the world.


"That's where it came from," Sen. Cornyn (R-TX) told a reporter.


"I think China is to blame because the culture where people eat bats and snakes and dogs and things like that – these viruses are transmitted from the animal to the people and that's why China has been the source of a lot of these viruses like SARS, like MERS, the Swine Flu and now the coronavirus


So I think they have a fundamental problem, and I don't object to geographically identifying where it's coming from."


The Texas senator disagreed when the reporter began lecturing him about Asian Americans who consider the phrase "Chinese virus" to be racist.


"I disagree. We're not talking about Asians, we're talking about China where these viruses emanate from and which are creating this pandemic," Cornyn concluded.


It's important that Trump informs the public as to where the virus originated given that the Chinese government has been spreading propaganda claiming the Wuhan coronavirus originated in the United States. If China is going to keep introducing novel viruses to the world, they should at least show us the courtesy of taking credit for them.

Anonymous ID: 9bbc81 March 18, 2020, 8:55 p.m. No.8471395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1416 >>1457 >>1565 >>1612 >>1792 >>1793

McCallum schools Biden’s Tool, that didn’t know what MERS stood for! It’s racist to say a virus came from China


'Let's Be Serious': Martha MacCallum Shreds a Joe Biden Surrogate Over Politicizing the Wuhan Coronavirus


For whatever reason, the Democrats are harping on the fact that President Donald Trump referred to the Wuhan coronavirus as the "Chinese virus." They claim that it's racist to point out the fact that the virus originated in China.


Former Vice President Joe Biden's Senior Adviser, Symone Sanders, reiterated that point of view during an interview on Wednesday with Fox News' Martha MacCallum. "It's something that's offensive to Chinese Americans," Sanders claimed.


"What President Trump announced today — it’s a tough job but it has to be done – on some of what he said today was good but the reality is he also stood at the podium and called the coronavirus COVID-19, what I would suggest is a racial slur," Sanders explained.


According to the Biden campaign surrogate, what President Trump said is "offensive to many Americans." She said that "instead of namecalling, instead of pointing fingers, talking about poll numbers–"


The MERS virus is M-E-R-U-S. Do you know why it's called MERS?" MacCallum asked


You tell me, Martha. You brought it up," Sanders said


"It's called the Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome because that’s where it originated," MacCallum explained. "This rabbit hole of getting into this whole issue of racism, I think is so counterproductive to what we are trying to do here. I talked to an amazing scholar on China moments ago who said absolutely China, at the leadership level, has tried to obfuscate and be everything but transparent since the very beginning. They lied and lied and lied about this situation. Why is it not okay to recognize where it originated?"


Sanders said this had nothing to do with China being "forthright," something the Fox News host completely disagreed with.


"Yes, it is. That's exactly what it is," MacCallum clapped back.


"Not in terms of what the President of the United States is referring to this virus from the podium. The reality is yes, the Chinese government refused to let American scientists in to research to see what was going on. That's the stark difference from what happened in the Ebola crisis when the United States government demanded to come in to African countries. That is something we should have and continue to push for. My only point is is they have noted it is offensive to them and in times of strife, particularly when we are dealing with pandemic currently affected with people that has had no contact with people overseas —"


"No one is suggesting American Chinese people are responsible. Every thinking human being who looks at this understand that the reference is to the origin of the virus and also the leadership in terms of how that virus was handled in the country of origin," MacCallum said. "I’m going to leave it there."


We can call it the coronavirus, the Wuhan coronavirus, COVID-19, or whatever new term that's going to be developed tomorrow. Who cares what we call it? What matters right now is that our leaders are taking appropriate actions to protect the lives of Americans across the nation. Period. End of story.

Anonymous ID: 9bbc81 March 18, 2020, 9:29 p.m. No.8471708   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1727 >>1740 >>1760 >>1765

ok anons is this Cuomo being real or will he revert after the crisis us over? Either way we’ve got to archive and meme these statements


WATCH: New York Governor Cuomo Praises Trump, Gives Patriotic Message


New York Governor Andrew Cuomo: “The president is doing the right thing in offering to step up with New York. And I appreciate it. New York will do the right thing in return.”


New York Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo praised President Donald Trump during a press conference on Tuesday for his work in helping New Yorkers combat the coronavirus, which originated in China.


“I spoke to the president this morning again. He is ready, willing, and able to help,” Cuomo said. “I think the president was 100% sincere in saying that he wanted to work together in partnership and in a spirit of cooperation. Steps he has taken our evidence of that.”


“His team has been on it. I know a team when they are on it. I know a team when they are not on it,” Cuomo continued. “His team is on it. They have been responsive late at night, early in the morning. And they’ve thus far been doing everything that they can do, and I want to say thank you, and I want to say that I appreciate it, and they will have nothing but cooperation and partnership from the state of New York.” – READ MORE

Anonymous ID: 9bbc81 March 18, 2020, 9:35 p.m. No.8471775   🗄️.is 🔗kun

G’Night night shift, glad I stayed a little longer, I always learn different things here at night.


I’m Dealing With A Fu**ing Global Crisis’: Bernie Sanders Explodes At CNN Reporter Manu Raju


Wow, really he’s dealing with a global crisis? I guess he means his campaign is going down in flames. He must imagine himself running the country.


Independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders lost his cool Wednesday at CNN Capitol Hill Correspondent Manu Raju after Raju asked the senator about the future of his presidential campaign.


“I’m dealing with a fu**ing global crisis. You know, we’re dealing with,” Sanders said.


Sanders continued to eviscerate Raju’s line of questioning, according to the CNN reporter’s Twitter account.


“Well right now, right now I’m trying to do my best to make sure that we don’t have an economic meltdown and that people don’t die,” Sanders said. “Is that enough for you to keep me busy for today?”